What is CIVILITER MORTUUS? Civilly dead ; dead in the view of the law. Blue And Red ACA Compared


What is The Affordable Care Act? in Blue ACA

Obama Care Dental (ACA)
Obama Care Dental (ACA)

and RED

What is The ACA In red -Regulatory Environment: CCA is currently accredited by the American Corrections Association (ACA).

Chris Christie’s Texas horror: Meet the scandalous prison company he’s long promoted

A corporation Christie’s lobbied for and long pushed runs notorious detention center

“Inadequate medical care, poor nutrition, lack of access to legal services, absence of meaningful programming, and a willful neglect of those who are imprisoned there plague the Polk detention center.”

The facility is used by the federal Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency to house immigrant detainees who are seeking asylum in the United States.

 Noting Christie’s “long and very close relationship with Community Education Centers,” the private company running the facility for ICE, one critic told Salon, “I think it’s time people start asking questions, because this company’s practices are not confined to New Jersey.”

The hunger strike at the detention center in Guantánamo Bay, Cuba, now enters its sixth month. Meanwhile, California Governor Jerry Brown is fighting federal court orders to reduce the state’s prison population. And this week, inmates in California state prisons resumed hunger strikes initiated in 2011 by detainees in indefinite solitary confinement — some for over three decades.


Ronald Brockmeyer, the municipal judge in Ferguson, has resigned less than a week after a scathing federal report called his court little more than an ATM for the city. And the Missouri Supreme Court has ordered all Ferguson municipal court cases transferred to Judge Roy L. Richter of the Court of Appeals for the Eastern District of Missouri.

BLUE ACA Obamacare Helps Ex-Convicts. That’s A Good Thing!

The Affordable Care Act (ACA), officially called The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) and sometimes called ObamaCare, is a US law that reforms both the healthcare and health insurance industries in America.


Red ACA Regulatory Environment: CCA is currently accredited by the American Corrections Association (ACA), a private non-governmental organization providing self-created standards. There is currently is no oversight or regulation of the organization beyond its own staff. Eighty-five percent of CCA facilities are accredited by ACA.

Your members of Congress have the power to end this “bed quota” by denying federal funding for the initiative in the FY15 Federal Budget.

You can take a stand in solidarity with detained immigrants at http://afsc.org/action/take-action-end-immigrant-detention-quotas. Please call your members of Congress TODAY and ask them to tell their counterparts on Appropriations Committees to eliminate the bed quota.

Revenue: $1.77 billion, 100% of which comes from taxpayers via government contracts (2012)


Parent Company: Corrections Corporation of America (CCA)


First Tier Subsidiaries:
CCA of Tennessee, LLC, a Tennessee limited liability company

CCA TRS, LLC, a Maryland limited liability company
CCA (UK) Ltd., a United Kingdom corporation

Second Tier Subsidiaries:
CCA International, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company

Technical and Business Institute of America, LLC, a Tennessee limited liability company
TransCor America, LLC, a Tennessee limited liability company
TransCor Puerto Rico, Inc., a Puerto Rico corporation
CCA Health Services, LLC, a Tennessee limited liability company
Prison Realty Management, LLC, a Tennessee limited liability company
(Source: CCA 10-K, 2/27/2013)

Location(s): Arizona, California, Colorado, District of Columbia, Florida, Georgia, Idaho, Indiana, Kentucky, Louisiana, Minnesota, Mississippi, Nevada, New Jersey, New Mexico, Ohio, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Texas


In the American political context African Americans have the greatest legacy because of their crusade for freedom and civil rights. Unlike Anglo-Americans, African Americans were barred from society for no other reason than their skin color, but their fight for freedom forced Americans to define themselves and how to protect their rights in a free society. The American system has been touted by historians such as Gordon Wood as being a radical departure from the British model of government. Barbara Clark Smith argued that the American Revolution was not a radical event because it failed to meet the egalitarian principles set forth by the revolutionary intellectuals. Wood’s response was that the radical nature of the Revolution was not seen until well after the war and subsequent nation building, because those principles led to emancipation and universal suffrage. Smith’s point is important to note because the immediacy created by the concept of “radical” was not met during the Revolutionary period. For the enslaved their lot in life had not changed with Treaty of Paris or the Constitution of the United States. The Constitution, previous to the passage of the 14th Amendment, did not provide a definition of citizenship. It was just assumed that an American citizen was a white male landowner. The reality of this situation was that racial discrimination caused many to turn their backs on egalitarianism for a racially bifurcated society. At this point, African Americans, free and enslaved, had to collectively speak out against this discrimination and remind Anglo-Americans of their egalitarian principles. The greatest legacy of Civil Rights Movement was that it forced America to abide by its altruistic principles. African Americans forced the definition of citizenship and created greater protections for American civil rights.

CCA Announces New $205 Million Investment In Correctional Center In Ariz.
Revenue: $1.77 billion, 100% of which comes from taxpayers via government contracts (2012)


California May Lose $315 Million to Avoid Freeing Inmates.  HOW DO WE STOP California Governor Jerry Brown, he says he needs $315 million from state reserves (middle Class Tax Dollars) this year to meet a federal court order to reduce prison overcrowding and avoid the release of  prison Industry Jobs. pursuant to court order.

ALEC costs tax payers twice; 1)  lost jobs in the community and;  2) tearing apart families, resultant of a war created by the state in the first place by creation of excessive ALEC laws.

Legislative leaders and Gov. Jerry Brown (D) agreed on a budget plan this week that restores partial funding for dental services in Medi-Cal, California’s Medicaid program.

“Dental care is so essential to physical health and employability,” Steinberg said. “The current alternatives are gum disease and use of hospital emergency rooms at the expense of taxpayers, which is unacceptable.”

Northern California legislators and dental providers have been at the forefront of a campaign over the past four years to get dental coverage for Medi-Cal adults restored. For many advocates and stakeholders, this week’s budget news was considered a partial victory. Although not the complete restoration of $131 million sought, the state plans to spend about $16.9 million this fiscal year and $77 million next year on dental coverage. The money will provide preventive care, dental restorations and full dentures for adult beneficiaries of Medi-Cal.

Restoring adult coverage in Denti-Cal was considered a priority for California Senate President Pro Tempore Darrell Steinberg (D-Sacramento).

“Dental care is so essential to physical health and employability,” Steinberg said. “The current alternatives are gum disease and use of hospital emergency rooms at the expense of taxpayers, which is unacceptable.”