American Justice Inherently Flawed.

Proffer dream defenders NOI Dreamers

Proffer dream defenders NOI Dreamers


The Shareef dont like it

Apr 29th, 03:11

American justice is inherently flawed.

As an example take a look at the infamous abuse of Rodney King by the policemen of Los Angeles police department (LAPD).

I counted over 20 policemen encircling and protecting the few policemen as they pummeled the innocent man.

The 20 policemen were culpable in the crime.

But none were even charged. Only the policemen who were actually beating were charged.(found Not guilty)

If American justice system was not so inherently flawed then all the policemen should have been disciplined to the full extent of the law.

This happened three decades ago; now things have decidedly become much much worse; specially after America’s misadventures in Iraq and Afghanistan as many police tactics now in use in America were learned and practiced over there.

Thank you Bush; the chickens have come home to roost.

All people deserve to worship a God who also worships them. A God that made them…

 All people deserve to worship a God who also worships them. A God that made themand likes them” (Walker, 1997, p.25).

Or Hitler Quotes on christianity and government

“The Government, being resolved to undertake the political and moral
purification of our public life, are creating and securing the
conditions necessary for a really profound revival of religious life”

[Adolph Hitler, in a speech to the Reichstag on March 23, 1933]


Berlin Churches Establish Bureau to Win Back Worshippers

Wireless to the New York Times.

BERLIN, May 13. – In Freethinkers Hall, which before the Nazi
resurgence was the national headquarters of the German Freethinkers
League, the Berlin Protestant church authorities have opened a bureau
for advice to the public in church matters. Its chief object is to
win back former churchgoers and assist those who have not previously
belonged to any religious congregation in obtaining church membership.

The German Freethinkers League, which was swept away by the national
revolution, was the largest of such organizations in Germany. It had
about 500,000 members …”

[New York Times, May 14, 1933, page 2, on Hitler’s outlawing of
atheistic and freethinking groups in Germany in the Spring of 1933,
after the Enabling Act authorizing Hitler to rule by decree]

Only a fool would let his enemy teach his children -X-

Patriot extreme americansoldiers Cop looters prison industry Cops338-0405222130-prison-industrial-complex-line

In order to maintain my sanity, I put my trust and belief in a higher power that is superior to me. My personal relationship with GOD is uniquely mine. This is one thing that the world cannot define for me. Allowing myself to believe in a GOD that does not have a particular gender or color, but just IS, lets me know that I was created in its image, and I am O.K. with my identity as a Black Female in the American South. My GOD allows me to BE and respect who I am with my Black, Female, Southern self and all that completes my identity.

As a child of the 80’s and 90’s, I still felt the residue of racism that the Jim Crow South left behind. Occasionally, the kids in the
neighborhood came over to play.
We were rarely included in the personal and private world of my neighborhood friends.
I recall having a slumber party and only church friends (African American children) showed up, not the kids I went to school with or my neighbors.
My feelings were deeply hurt. I pondered why it was okay to play outside, but we were not included in the extra activities with the other kids in the neighborhood. It was at this point in my life that I began to look at why things were still so segregated in the early ‘90’s in Alabama.
Then I began to seek my own truth, and I found that through exploring history. Unfortunately, the schools that I attended never taught African-American history, so my parents taught me at home.
Before I went to school, I knew about Malcolm X, Fannie Lou Hammer, and Marcus Garvey. I always challenged my history teachers and questioned why I never saw Black people in my history books.
Due to my cultural views, I was labeled a militant Black girl in high school. I was angry and pissed off that I wasn’t taught my own history in school. It angered me that we only learned about white American Anglo Saxon history with a paragraph or two about Indians (as Native Americans were called in our text books).
II was a student that the administration felt was always being unruly. I was tired of feeling invisible, yet the color of my skin made me very visible in my school.
 Mathews (1997) exclaims,“As African-American Women,particularly those of us who live and work in circles where our heritage is not the norm, the efforts to live in a non-African American space is like trying to walk on the moon without a moon suit. You will float away or die of lack of oxygen unless you equip yourself properly” (p. 35).

What is CIVILITER MORTUUS? Civilly dead ; dead in the view of the law. Blue And Red ACA Compared


What is The Affordable Care Act? in Blue ACA

Obama Care Dental (ACA)
Obama Care Dental (ACA)

and RED

What is The ACA In red -Regulatory Environment: CCA is currently accredited by the American Corrections Association (ACA).

Chris Christie’s Texas horror: Meet the scandalous prison company he’s long promoted

A corporation Christie’s lobbied for and long pushed runs notorious detention center

“Inadequate medical care, poor nutrition, lack of access to legal services, absence of meaningful programming, and a willful neglect of those who are imprisoned there plague the Polk detention center.”

The facility is used by the federal Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency to house immigrant detainees who are seeking asylum in the United States.

 Noting Christie’s “long and very close relationship with Community Education Centers,” the private company running the facility for ICE, one critic told Salon, “I think it’s time people start asking questions, because this company’s practices are not confined to New Jersey.”

The hunger strike at the detention center in Guantánamo Bay, Cuba, now enters its sixth month. Meanwhile, California Governor Jerry Brown is fighting federal court orders to reduce the state’s prison population. And this week, inmates in California state prisons resumed hunger strikes initiated in 2011 by detainees in indefinite solitary confinement — some for over three decades.


Ronald Brockmeyer, the municipal judge in Ferguson, has resigned less than a week after a scathing federal report called his court little more than an ATM for the city. And the Missouri Supreme Court has ordered all Ferguson municipal court cases transferred to Judge Roy L. Richter of the Court of Appeals for the Eastern District of Missouri.

BLUE ACA Obamacare Helps Ex-Convicts. That’s A Good Thing!

The Affordable Care Act (ACA), officially called The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) and sometimes called ObamaCare, is a US law that reforms both the healthcare and health insurance industries in America.


Red ACA Regulatory Environment: CCA is currently accredited by the American Corrections Association (ACA), a private non-governmental organization providing self-created standards. There is currently is no oversight or regulation of the organization beyond its own staff. Eighty-five percent of CCA facilities are accredited by ACA.

Your members of Congress have the power to end this “bed quota” by denying federal funding for the initiative in the FY15 Federal Budget.

You can take a stand in solidarity with detained immigrants at Please call your members of Congress TODAY and ask them to tell their counterparts on Appropriations Committees to eliminate the bed quota.

Revenue: $1.77 billion, 100% of which comes from taxpayers via government contracts (2012)


Parent Company: Corrections Corporation of America (CCA)


First Tier Subsidiaries:
CCA of Tennessee, LLC, a Tennessee limited liability company

CCA TRS, LLC, a Maryland limited liability company
CCA (UK) Ltd., a United Kingdom corporation

Second Tier Subsidiaries:
CCA International, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company

Technical and Business Institute of America, LLC, a Tennessee limited liability company
TransCor America, LLC, a Tennessee limited liability company
TransCor Puerto Rico, Inc., a Puerto Rico corporation
CCA Health Services, LLC, a Tennessee limited liability company
Prison Realty Management, LLC, a Tennessee limited liability company
(Source: CCA 10-K, 2/27/2013)

Location(s): Arizona, California, Colorado, District of Columbia, Florida, Georgia, Idaho, Indiana, Kentucky, Louisiana, Minnesota, Mississippi, Nevada, New Jersey, New Mexico, Ohio, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Texas


In the American political context African Americans have the greatest legacy because of their crusade for freedom and civil rights. Unlike Anglo-Americans, African Americans were barred from society for no other reason than their skin color, but their fight for freedom forced Americans to define themselves and how to protect their rights in a free society. The American system has been touted by historians such as Gordon Wood as being a radical departure from the British model of government. Barbara Clark Smith argued that the American Revolution was not a radical event because it failed to meet the egalitarian principles set forth by the revolutionary intellectuals. Wood’s response was that the radical nature of the Revolution was not seen until well after the war and subsequent nation building, because those principles led to emancipation and universal suffrage. Smith’s point is important to note because the immediacy created by the concept of “radical” was not met during the Revolutionary period. For the enslaved their lot in life had not changed with Treaty of Paris or the Constitution of the United States. The Constitution, previous to the passage of the 14th Amendment, did not provide a definition of citizenship. It was just assumed that an American citizen was a white male landowner. The reality of this situation was that racial discrimination caused many to turn their backs on egalitarianism for a racially bifurcated society. At this point, African Americans, free and enslaved, had to collectively speak out against this discrimination and remind Anglo-Americans of their egalitarian principles. The greatest legacy of Civil Rights Movement was that it forced America to abide by its altruistic principles. African Americans forced the definition of citizenship and created greater protections for American civil rights.

CCA Announces New $205 Million Investment In Correctional Center In Ariz.
Revenue: $1.77 billion, 100% of which comes from taxpayers via government contracts (2012)

SHORT FORM: OBAMACARE Application for Health Coverage ; Help Paying Costs (ACA)

Application for Health Coverage & Help Paying Costs (Short Form)  Health Care for all


Application for Health Coverage ; Help Paying Costs (Short Form).


Bill Maher: GOP ‘sabotaging’ Obamacare

Liberal comic comedian Bill Maher said Friday Republicans are “sabotaging” Obamacare and caused its difficult roll out this week.

“The reason why it’s not working some states is because those governors in those states don’t want it to work,” Maher said during his HBO program, “Real Time with Bill Maher.”

“It’s working fine in California, in Maryland, in Kentucky, which has a Democratic governor, it’s not working where it’s being sabotaged. And yes, partly it is [the Obama’s administration’s] fault,” he said.

“That is really not the problem. Certainly there are some governors that don’t like it—” said James Glassman, former Undersecretary of State during George W. Bush’s administration.

“And are sabotaging it—” Maher interjected. “Sabotaging a law.”

Read more:

  1. Right-wing nuts nab new way to sabotage Obamacare –

    7 days ago – Remember how the shutdown deal only gave the GOP “small” concessions? One low-profile component could prove costly.

  2. Bill Maher: GOP ‘sabotaging’ Obamacare – Lucy McCalmont…/bill-maher-gop-sabotagingobamacare-98220.html

    Oct 12, 2013 – Liberal comic comedian Bill Maher said Friday Republicans are “sabotaging” Obamacare and caused its difficult roll out this week. “The reason 

  3. Daily Kos: Righties still trying to sabotage Obamacare- nationwide 

    4 days ago – In the last 3 weeks, we’ve seen the rollout of Obamacare’s online signup program and the end of the TeaBagger-led shutdown, guaranteeing 

  4. Who’s sabotaging Obamacare? | The Daily Caller

    Oct 11, 2013 – Obamacare’s roll-out has been such a debacle that even the president’s largest cheering section can’t help but take notice. “Media outlets have 

  5. Maher, Matthews Get in Epic Brawl with GOP Guests Over 

    Oct 11, 2013 – Bill Maher opened his panel Friday night going right after the GOP, joining Chris Matthews in battling Republican James Glassman over 

  6. Five Major Ways That Republicans Are Trying To Sabotage…/09/…/ways-republicans-sabotageobamacar

    Sep 19, 2013 – Obamacare opponents have been trying their hardest tosabotage health care reform on both the state and federal levels. These five tactics 

  7. The Unprecedented—and Contemptible—Attempts to Sabotage 

    Jul 24, 2013 – Doing everything possible to block the law’s implementation is not treasonous— just sharply beneath any reasonable standards of elected 






This bill prohibits health insurers from accepting federal subsidies under the Affordable Care Act that trigger the employer mandate. Health insurers accepting subsidies shall have their license to issue new business suspended for all business on exchanges established by the Affordable Care Act.

Model Policy

Section 1. Title. This Act shall be known as the “Health Care Freedom Act.”

Section 2. Definitions.

Health insurance issuer” means {insert appropriate state health insurance issuer definition or state code reference}.

Section 3. Prohibition on Issuers. Enforcement.

(A) A health insurance issuer operating in this state shall not accept any remuneration, credit, or subsidy, as described in 42 U.S.C. 18082.

(B) If a health insurance issuer violates division (A) of this section, the issuer’s license to issue new business in the state on the federal exchange established by the Affordable Care Act shall be suspended immediately and until such time as the issuer represents it has returned that remuneration, credit, or subsidy to its source and will decline any such future remuneration, credit, or subsidy. Such suspensions shall not be construed as impairing the right of contract or the right to continue or renew existing business in the state.

(C) The attorney general shall take such action as is provided in {insert appropriate state law} in the defense or prosecution of rights protected under this chapter.

Section 4. Other Obligations of Attorney General.

The Obama Care is an 
option to what is known to many as the Prison Industry. In actuality it is the 
greatest equalizer since the Black Laws of Virginia‘s restrictions to
 individual rights. Negroes first appeared in Virginia in August 1619, whereby
in contrast to ACA, Laws that curtailed individual rights In 1843, the
legislature curtailed SLAVE and FREE Negus’ rights to dispense medicine. 

“Selling, preparing or
administering medicine became a misdemeanor whose penalty was a public
whipping. Preparation of drugs by free Negroes that caused abortions carried a
penalty of five to ten years in prison. If a slave prepared a drug to cause
abortion, the first time offender received a public whipping. Any offence after
that was a hanging offence. In 1858, free people of colour
could not buy wine or ardent spirits unless they had written permission from
three or more justices that they were sober, orderly and of good character. In
1860, free Negroes could not be ordinary or tavern keepers and were proscribed
from selling hard liquor.” 

When I study this fact, I am, in fact more, reminded
of the effects of the War on Drugs. Absolutely NOT Obama care! ObamaCare
provides access to equality in healthcare for all or to any one
that chooses to be covered, that is, with the elected officials permission
(that’s more like slavery), Obama Care will now cover mental
health, resultantly, there is no longer a need for self-medicating.

When Negus’ first arrived, healthy, they obviously knew a lot about medicine.