OH LORD #OHLORD Michael Brown Native Plants Institute Oh Higher Learning Walnut Park St. Louis MO

Mike Brown Native Plant Institute (MBNPI )

Richland School District 2 Superintendent Dr. Debbie Hamm #grandparentsunited #BlackParentsAssociation —#AssaultAtSpringValleyHigh

we have not seen an decrease in police violence -ohlord-michael-brown-native-plants-institute-oh-higher-learning-walnut-park-st-louis-mo WHO is violent, the Slaver or the Slave?

The goal of this project is to educate children about the useful qualities of the noxious weeds, to relieve hunger, experience new incredible flavors and bring people closer to Nature. Harvesting them for our own good would be a wonderful way to control the weeds instead of pouring hundreds of gallons of pesticides, poisoning our land and drinking water.

Mchael Brown School of Botany and natural Plants Missouri St. Louis Walnut Park School

Michael Brown School of Botany and natural Plants Missouri St. Louis Walnut Park School

Traditional Herbal Herbs and Shrubs Michael Brown Native Plants Institute Oh Higher Learning Walnut Park St. Louis MO

work focuses on valuing and conserving nature, ensuring effective and equitable governance of ecosystem, and deploying
nature-based solutions to ecosystem challenges in climate, food and development. Mike Brown Native Plant Institute (MBNPI ) supports scientific research and management of  field projects that Detour

People Killing for Water through Global Water Planning Projectors

ireweed treating ailments save lives

research about the traditional use of the invasive plants in their courtiers of origins, to discover range of medicinal and culinary properties they possess. Plants win competition with others and spread widely in the new territory because they possess many powerful qualities that make them stronger than many other species. Not accidentally they were used to treat deadly diseases for centuries in traditional medicine of many cultures. They were brought to U.S. by settlers for their useful qualities, their beauty and few – accidentally. Purpose: re-learn what our ancestors knew about these plants, – they are the nature’s great resource.

why we’re doing it

We know this work is for the good of environment and people. We focus mainly on the invasive weeds in Ferguson MO. We currently teach about the useful invasive weeds at afterschool programs with parental permission, but would like to have enough educational materials to reach many more children and adults in local communities via schools and community centers.

USDA to invest $20 million to help 15 states increase recreational public access on private farm, ranch, and forest lands

Agriculture Secretary Vilsack announces $150 million, new partnership to support water quality and quantity in drought-stricken California

NRCS Awards Missouri Department of Conservation One of 15 Grants In addition to Missouri, NRCS awarded grants for projects in Colorado, Connecticut, Illinois, Kansas, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Montana, Nebraska, Oklahoma, Oregon, Washington, Wisconsin and Wyoming. Nationally, NRCS is providing $20 million to projects in the 15 states.

Volunteers Needed!

This project’s leader is looking for volunteers to help out:

We need people who are passionate about the environment and plants to learn about our project and help in distribution of the flyers and education of public.

The first step in the development of appropriate management policies is to put in place a system where the interests of all the stakeholders can be adequately and properly addressed. Plants have been meeting the basic needs of food, cloth and shelter ever since the emergence of Homo sapiens. Plants are also the source of human health care products. Plants have been used as medicines since beginning of human civilization.

Native Natural Plants Club
Native Natural Plants Club

This species is also used in the treatment of bleeding from cut, cutting wound, bullet wound,

WHO is violent, the Slaver or the Slave?

The gang may pool its resources, its own resources, to pay off the debt for that individual. The individual who incurred the debt may have to work it off for the other gang. If he owes a debt to another gang, he may have to assault one of their enemies, maybe a guard who they don’t like or another inmate, and work off that debt. Or it may be, what’s unfortunately somewhat common in California, that when an individual gang can’t pay a debt back, his own gang will assault him to the satisfaction of the rival gang leader. To the satisfaction that he’s been assaulted to the extent that the message has been sent. So, in a lot of these different ways, some from just apologies, to assaults, these gangs are regulating their own members to make life a little bit easier when interacting with other people. Russ: And the gangs are racially divided–that’s one way they are divided. Correct? Guest: They are overwhelmingly racially divided. And the inmates themselves refer to not just the gang actors but the race actors. Right? Everything is segregated along racial lines. And the groups themselves are segregated at least along racial lines. Sometimes geographic factors matter. So, in California, for example, Hispanic inmates will affiliate with one or another prison group based on whether they are from Northern or from Southern California. Russ: This group, community responsibility is a fascinating example of dealing with a free-rider problem. It reminds me of a story that I am told that when Walter Williams teaches at George Mason U., he tells students that if your cell phone goes off, the people on both sides of you will get a reduction in their grade, lose a certain number of points. When I tell that to people they always say, ‘Well, that’s so unfair.’ Yes, it is. What it means is that people on both sides, around you, people are going to tell each other, to ask, ‘Is your cellphone off?’ And in the ideal system, the phone never goes off. There’s never anything unfair because the punishment deters people from misbehavior and free riding on the group’s identity, and degrading the group’s brand name. And so that’s just incredible. The prison, when you have violence as opposed to losing 5 points on your homework score, it’s pretty effective. For Written Audio

Hemp Products

Climbing Hemp

People Killing for Water Global Water Wars Planning

Phytochemicals are chemical compounds that occur naturally in plants (phyto means “plant” in Greek).

It has been estimated that only 20-30% of the world’s flora of approximately 250,000-500,000 species has been subjected to phytochemical investigations (Principle, 1990; Simmonds and Grayer, 1999; Cordell, 2000; Plotkin, 2001). Of an estimated 75,000 edible plant species known in the world, only 2500 species have ever been eaten with regularity and a mere 150 species have been exploited commercially and only 20 feed the world population. About 9,500 wild plant species used by indigenous people for meeting their various requirements have been documented. Out of 7,500 wild plant species used by indigenous people for medicinal purposes, about 950 species have been found to be useful in health care for the first time; out of about 3,900 plant species used as edibles about 800 have been found as novel food yielding species and 250 species among them have potential to develop as alternative sources of food; out of 525 wild plant species used for making fibre and cordage, about 50 species have potential for commercial exploitation; out of 400 wild plant species used as fodder, about 100 species have potential for wider use; and out of 300 wild plant species used as pesticides and piscicides, about 175 have potential for the development of bio-pesticides (Pushpangadan, 1984; Mishra, 1985; Saklani and Jain, 1996; Saini, 1996; Prakash and Singh, 2000; Nautiyal et al., 2000-2001; Satyavati, 2001; Sarin, 2003).FireWeed-More-Projibited-Getto-Food-

Health Benefits and Therapeutic Uses

Papaver somniferum L. opium poppy

The health benefits of poppy seeds include:

  • To treat vomiting and nausea
  • Adding poppy seeds to your daily diet can cure respiratory problems such as chronic cough and asthma
  • Poppy seed paste can stop diarrhea
  • Poppy seed paste when applied to swollen joints can provide pain relief
  • Apply a mix of poppy seed paste under the eyes to reduce dark circles and swollen eyelids
  • The oleic acid in poppy seeds lower bad cholesterol levels (LDL) and increase good or HDL levels
  • Eating poppy seeds can prevent heart disease and strokes due to the high content of monounsaturated fats
  • The zinc in poppy seeds aids sperm production

Other Uses

  • Apart from the medicinal use and health benefits of poppy seeds, they are also widely used for various culinary purposes. They can be sprinkled on baked goods such as bread and cakes, used as a sandwich spread along with butter and honey, used to add extra crunch to pasta and salads, as a flavoring for sauces and vegetable dishes, and in candies as well. Eastern countries use poppy seeds as a base for curries and chutneys.
  • Poppy seed extract is used as an ingredient in poppy syrup and cordials.
  • Poppy seeds make great bird food.
  • Due to its anodyne and expectorant properties, poppy seeds are used in cough syrups and poultices.
  • Oil made from poppy seed extract is used to make a number of drugs and medications.
  • Poppy seed infusions are used to treat earaches and toothaches

you can describe almost all of Southern California as being a sage scrub zone, but anyone who has traveled around here can tell you there is a big difference between Santa Barbara and San Diego, or between Los Angeles and San Bernardino.

Sagebrush (Artemisia sp.) is widely used by Mexican curandero/as (healers) for strengthening the immune system, reducing inflammation, and treating skin infections and irritations (much like European Artemisia). Mimulus is one of the Bach flower remedies. It is used to treat fearfulness, when there is a known source of fear. The FES brand of North American flower remedies has two monkeyflower essences, pink and red, both of which help to promote emotional courage and honesty.

As a resident of South Carolina (U.S.), I watched this vine take over roadways in days with high heat and humidity.  A food source beyond compare as it was imported to control erosion, and has now taken over the east coast from the mid Atlantic to Florida.  This stuff is everywhere and will overgrow everything.  Free food folks.


The flowers, leaves, and roots are all edible.  Young leaves are the most easy to chew as the larger the leaf the more course in texture.  If large leaves are used, cut out the heaviest part of the center vein.  Crispy fried leaves are a nice treat similar to chips.

The leaves, stem tips, roots and blooms can be eaten raw, steamed or boiled. Kudzu looks very similar to poison ivy – be sure you know how to distinguish between the two plants!! Kudzu also produces beautiful, purple-colored, grape-smelling blossoms that make delicious jelly, candy, and syrup. Some people have even used these to make homemade

wine. Survival at Home – Read more at: http://survivalathome.com/10-wild-plants-you-can-eat/

The strong stems are superior for making rope or cordage by stripping the leaves and steaming and pulling out the fibres.

Agroforestry Uses:

The plant can be used as a ground cover in a sunny position It can also be used to make a quick, temporary screen.Plants are very fast-growing and have an extensive root system which can be 1.8 metres deep. They are used for erosion control and for rebuilding depleted soils. A member of the Fabaceae, the plant also adds nitrogen to the soil through the actions of root bacteria

You are here: Home / Introduced, Invasive and Noxious Plants / Introduced, Invasive, and Noxious Plants Results Printer-FriendlyPrinter-Friendly / Download
Introduced, Invasive, and Noxious Plants
NRCS Invasive Species Policy
Invasive Species Executive Order 13112

Missouri State-listed Noxious Weeds
12 records returned

Click on an accepted name below to view its PLANTS Profile with more information, and web links if available. Noxious weeds that are synonyms retain their noxious status, and are indented beneath the current PLANTS accepted name.

Revised Statues of Missouri. 2004. Insect pests and weeds (20 October 2003). Missouri Department of Agriculture.

Symbol Scientific Name Noxious Common Name State Noxious Status Native Status*
CASA3 Cannabis sativa L. marijuana NW L48 (I), HI (I), PR (I), CAN (I)
CANU4 Carduus nutans L. musk thistle NW L48 (I), CAN (I)
CIAR4 Cirsium arvense (L.) Scop. Canada thistle NW L48 (I), AK (I), CAN (I), GL (I), SPM (I)
COAR4 Convolvulus arvensis L. field bindweed NW L48 (I), HI (I), CAN (I)
DIFU2 Dipsacus fullonum L. common teasel NW L48 (I), CAN (I)
DILA4 Dipsacus laciniatus L. cut-leaved teasel NW L48 (I), CAN (I)
LYSA2 Lythrum salicaria L. purple loosestrife NW L48 (I), CAN (I), SPM (I)
ONAC Onopordum acanthium L. Scotch thistle NW L48 (I), CAN (W)
PUMOL Pueraria montana (Lour.) Merr. var. lobata (Willd.) Maesen & S. Almeida L48 (I), HI (I)
PULO Puerarialobata (Willd.) Ohwi kudzu NW
ROMU Rosa multiflora Thunb.1 multiflora rose NW L48 (I), CAN (I)
SOHA Sorghum halepense (L.) Pers. johnsongrass NW L48 (I), HI (I), PR (I), CAN (I)

Define Gang

I’m just so tired of this:Predators roaming the neighborhood in their identifying colors and accouterments. Armed with oversized weapons. Sweeping the streets for unarmed victims. Targeting those they most despise. Shooting them whether they’re innocent or not. Thumbing their noses at the criminal-justice system when they’re caught. Walking away scot-free. Repeat.Yes, it’s time to do something about cops in this country.They’ve become a scourge. A stain on our culture. A national disgrace. How can we expect to press foreign leaders to improve their human-rights records when our society flaunts the very definition on a daily basis?The only solution to this worsening crisis is to use the same tactics against them that they use against us. I have no illusions that any of these seven ideas will work, but wouldn’t it be nice if they did?

via Book Publishing Announcement!.

Kid’s Outdoor Math Fun

No Time For Flash Cards

Sorting, shapes, patterning and of course counting are all activities that develop strong math skills. We are all aware of the importance of success in math throughout formal schooling years . Starting through play parents can help lay a positive foundation of something that so many of us struggle with later on. Here are some fun activities that can help create a love of numbers, order , shapes and patterns before they can decide they hate math!

Do you know how to estimate the height of a tree? Here is a fun way to do it. You may need a measuring tape, depend on the size of the trees you want to estimate, but you don’t have to, since you can just measure by “foot”. You’ll find MORE Outdoor Math Link Here

Here’s a junior high school way to measure a tree and to keep ahead of the pack on this video. LOVE MATH!


14 Outside Games To Burn Off Steam. This number run game lets your kids burn off energy while learning their numbers too! Turn it into a race for even more fun!

measure a tree by its shadow


Related Math Fun

Activities For Kids, Outdoor Education, Kids Interesting, Math Outdoor, Math Ideas, Nature … Outdoor Math Activities for Kids – Mama Smiles – Joyful Parenting.

Outdoor Math activities by Jean Warren – Preschool Express

  • Aug 8, 2013 – Need to do some math review before the kids are back in school? Why not take advantage of the last days of summer and review number and …


symbolic representations of physical experiences in a five step process that includes:

Experiencing a Physical Event;​​
Drawing a picture, or modeling the event;​
Discussing and writing descriptions of the event in informal, intuitive language (People Talk);
Regimenting or formalizing the language used to describe the event (Feature Talk); and
Developing symbolic representations of the event.

Option is to Educate Youth on

Algebra, NRA, Guns and #Alec;

California Assembly passed a bill that would give juvenile lifers a shot at rehabilitation.



False flag (or black flag) describes covert military or paramilitary operations designed to deceive in such a way that the operations appear as though they are being carried out by entities, groups, or nations other than those who actually planned and executed them. Operations carried out during peace-time by civilian organizations, as well as covert government agencies, may by extension be called false flag operations if they seek to hide the real organization behind an operation. Geraint Hughes uses the term to refer to those acts carried out by “military or security force personnel, which are then blamed on terrorists.”

“THE TALK” Algebra by 3rd grade

The Algebra Project is a national U.S. mathematics literacy effort aimed at helping low-income students and students of colorsuccessfully achieve mathematical skills that are a prerequisite for a college preparatory mathematics sequence in high school.

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