Birch Koch DUCK Trump Bundy Dynasty ALEC IDF TeaParty

#OhLord- The Ferguson Effect $5 per month X 30 million people =150 million per month + interest per month

#BlackVote Matters 

African-American Population – Infoplease › … › Race & Ethnicity › Population/Demographics

By 1990, the African-American population reached about 30 million and represented 12% of the population, roughly the same proportion as in 1900.   



Area Percent of
black population
Percent of
total population
United States                      100.0% 12.7%
 Northeast                     18.1 12.2
 Midwest                         18.1% 10.2%
South 55.3 19.8
 West 8.6 4.8


In 2012,

blacks for the first time voted at a higher rate, 

66.2 percent, than did whites, with a rate of

64.1 percent,

or Asians or Hispanics, with rates of about 48 percent each.

GOP Using Sixty $60 million to court black voters, and a new initiative aims to recruit

300 women and

200 minorities to run for state and local office.

Gold's Gym is facing a backlash from LGBT activists over its CEO's $2 million donation to American Crossroads, the conservative political group affiliated with former Bush adviser Karl Rove, and its four franchises in the San Francisco Bay Area are now leaving the brand over the controversy.

Gold’s Gym is facing a backlash from LGBT activists over its CEO’s $2 million donation to American Crossroads, the conservative political group affiliated with former Bush adviser Karl Rove, and its four franchises in the San Francisco Bay Area are now leaving the brand over the controversy.

Cops Bought Dylann Roof Burger King Hours After Charleston Shooting