Alaska Per capita No 1 recipient of federal benefits; infrastructure projects, DOT and pork projects.


Alaska Per capita No 1 recipient of federal benefits;
infrastructure projects, DOT and pork projects.   And Yes, Blue States Pay More Taxes Than are returned ;

All seized drug money goes to child support and college fund for children…

Blue State, Red Face: Guess Who Benefits More From Your Taxes? Alaska, as a new state with vast needs, required ports and airports and highways and so on. But then you must account for the fact that Alaska’s share of federal spending has spiked sharply in the last 15 years, even as North Slope oil revenue has filled its coffers (oil revenue accounts for 88 percent of the state’s general fund). state’s economy and dependence on the federal government.)      

Now consider the bottom 10, i.e., the ones that give more to the federal government in taxes than they get in return. From 1 to 10, they are:

 New Jersey, Nevada, Connecticut, New Hampshire, Minnesota, Illinois, Delaware, California, New York, Colorado. 

they are all blue states (or the deepest of purple).

non-TAX payers-by-state.jpg.CROP.original-original

Adding to this fallacy are the assumptions surrounding Mitt Romney’s now infamous comments about the indolent “47 percent” of Americans who regard themselves as victims and therefore pay no taxes. As the American Conservative magazine (no less) pointed out recently, nine of those 10 states are in the red-as-ruby Old Confederacy.*

Anything strange about that list? Yes, they are all blue states (or the deepest of purple).


The Minimum Wage and the Laws of Economics 72 
The income decay among the lowest-paid workers does not reflect a decline in the value they add, and a moderate increase in the minimum wage would improve their lot without violating economic taboos, an economist writes.

The Minimum-Wage Cure for Illegal Immigration 47 
With very different priorities, conservatives and progressives alike are supporting a higher minimum wage, an economist writes.

1.    New Mexico
Indian reservations, military bases, federal
research labs, farm subsidies, retirement programs

2.   Mississippi
Farm subsidies, military spending, nutrition
and anti-poverty aid,      retirement programs.

3.        Alaska
Per capita No 1 recipient of federal benefits;
infrastructure projects, DOT and pork projects.

4.        Louisiana
Disaster relief, farm subsidies, anti-poverty
and nutrition aid, military spending.

5.        W. Virginia
Farm subsidies, anti-poverty and nutrition aid.

6.        N. Dakota
Farm subsidies, energy subsidies, retirement
and anti-poverty programs, Indian reservations.

7.        Alabama
Retirement programs, anti-poverty and nutrition aid,
federal space/military spending, farm subsidies.

8.        S. Dakota
Retirement programs, nutrition aid, farm subsidies,
military spending, Indian reservations.

9.        Virginia
Civil service pensions, military spending, veterans
benefits, retirement, anti-poverty aid.

10.     Kentucky
Retirement programs, nutritional
and anti-poverty aid,
farm subsidies.


tax-payments-per-state United States

Plus CORPORATE Prison industry welfare prison slave labor can cut costs and generate revenue has never been a secret. Private businesses nationwide are vying to exploit prisoner workers to reduce operating expenses and gain a competitive advantage, while government agencies are increasingly using prisoners for jobs that otherwise would go to public employees or contractors. Even farmers have turned to prison labor to harvest their crops.

All seized drug money goes to child support and college fund for children

ATLANTA – Alda Gentile was not arrested. She was not charged with a crime. Yet police in Georgia seized $11,530 in cash that Gentile said she had in a car for a house-hunting trip in Florida. Police confiscated the money after stopping the car, driven by her son, for speeding. They searched for drugs but found nothing.  Her case has become a rallying cry for libertarian, conservative and other groups seeking to change laws in Georgia that allow law enforcement to seize property and cash from people who have not been convicted of crimes, a process known as civil forfeiture.

At Oakhill Correctional Institution in rural Dane County, 17 inmates crank $1.15 million worth of office chairs a year out of a cramped basement factory, making anywhere between 20 cents and $1.50 per hour. The money is put toward release savings, victim restitution and court obligations such as child support. The inmates can spend what's left

At Oakhill Correctional Institution in rural Dane County, 17 inmates crank $1.15 million worth of office chairs a year out of a cramped basement factory, making anywhere between 20 cents and $1.50 per hour. The money is put toward release savings, victim restitution and court obligations such as child support. The inmates can spend what’s left.

Parent taken no child support from who is parent working and in prison



Parents taken away from Family to work without child support

Prisoners in Nevada make stretch limos and $500,000 Shelby Cobra sports cars.
They make computer cable in Washington state, shampoo bottles in Kansas, caps and gowns in South Carolina, and telemarketing calls in Nebraska.
In California, they take TWA reservations.

Prisoner parents are more likely to make payments toward their child support at a job that pays minimum wage, which is currently $7.25 per hour. All of the prisons that are now being privatized would also lose profit.