symbolic representations of physical experiences in a five step process that includes:

Experiencing a Physical Event;​​
Drawing a picture, or modeling the event;​
Discussing and writing descriptions of the event in informal, intuitive language (People Talk);
Regimenting or formalizing the language used to describe the event (Feature Talk); and
Developing symbolic representations of the event.

Option is to Educate Youth on

Algebra, NRA, Guns and #Alec;

California Assembly passed a bill that would give juvenile lifers a shot at rehabilitation.



False flag (or black flag) describes covert military or paramilitary operations designed to deceive in such a way that the operations appear as though they are being carried out by entities, groups, or nations other than those who actually planned and executed them. Operations carried out during peace-time by civilian organizations, as well as covert government agencies, may by extension be called false flag operations if they seek to hide the real organization behind an operation. Geraint Hughes uses the term to refer to those acts carried out by “military or security force personnel, which are then blamed on terrorists.”

“THE TALK” Algebra by 3rd grade

The Algebra Project is a national U.S. mathematics literacy effort aimed at helping low-income students and students of colorsuccessfully achieve mathematical skills that are a prerequisite for a college preparatory mathematics sequence in high school.

View original post 323 more words

Healthcare Stocks ARE Up TODAY as Obamacare Takes Hold/Stop Fighting Blacks

Stop Fighting Blacks

Story: Pa. judges accused of jailing kids for cash

Healthcare Stocks Up as Obamacare Takes Hold

Corrections Corp. Wins as Brown Buys California Prison Stop Fighting Blacks Fix

As Immigration Reform Comes Up Again, Watch This Private Prison Company

The country’s biggest for-profit prison companies already pull in hundreds of millions of dollars a year locking up immigrants in federal custody. They stand to pull in even more money if the new laws generate lots of new prisoners.



In the 2000 elections, private prison companies contributed more than $1,125,598 to 830 candidates in Southern states, and $96,432 to both the Republican & Democratic party committees.


$40,675 to Gov. Michael Easley, most from Cornell Corrections and prison builder Ray Bell Construction;

· $22,156 to Candidate Richard Vinroot of North Carolina, who lost to Easley in the general election;

· $14,155, to Candidate Dennis Wicker of North Carolina, who lost in the primary to Easley.

$20,000 to Gov. Mike Foster (1999), from Corrections Corporation of America;

$7,300 to Gov. Ronnie Musgrove most from prison builder, Carothers Construction.


NORTH CAROLINA: legislators approved an expensive expansion of its prison system using private prison builders.

MISSISSIPPI: lawmakers overrode the governor’s veto to fund private prisons.

GEORGIA AND FLORIDA: legislators killed laws the would limit private prisons and industry influence.

OKLAHOMA: a sentencing reform measure increased the number of crimes that get long sentences, ensuring large prisoner populations.

This Section of CORRECTIONS Features: Judith Greene Michael Hallett James Evans


PRIVATIZATION: To convert a public resource, industry, institution, task or service into the property of private individuals or business;

• a political process whereby certain functions of government are turned into for–profit businesses, given to private individuals or corporations;

• to make something that is available equally to the public the property of a private few.

‘PRISON’ PRIVATIZATION is when private businesses or individuals take over, own or operate prisons, for profit and as a business.

The first time private prisons were used in the U.S. was after the Civil War, when the South used imprisonment and criminalization to ‘re–enslave’ freed African Ameri- cans and keep them as free labor.

These private prisons existed as

plantations, farms & work camps,

with torturous conditions, and where many prisoners were literally worked to death.

Because of this history and the ethical conflict that exists necessarily between imprisonment and profit, private prisons were finally outlawed in the early 1900s, tucked away as one of the most horrific chapters of U.S. history.