Renewing the Patriot Act: Who Will Protect Us from ADL COPS/False Flags

Street Gang or Peace Officers? Off-duty Cop Arrested for Drive-by Shooting is a post referenced by Cop Block – Badges Don’t Grant Extra Rights


(also black flag) describes covert operations designed to deceive in such a way that the operations appear as though they are being carried out by entities, groups, or nations other than those who actually planned and executed them.
More likely to be killed by a cop than a terrorist

So USA PATRIOT ACT-What does it do?

law enforcement activities under the USA PATRIOT Act are reminiscent of Hoover’s Counter Intelligence Program (COINTELPRO), which spied on and infiltrated Martin Luther King, Jr., the Southern Christian Leadership Conference, the Student Non-Violent Coordinating Committee, the Congress on Racial Equality, the Black Panthers, anti-war groups, and any other members of the “New Left” (including former Beatle John Lennon). This program was ruled a threat to a free society by the Church Commission in 1976. One notable quote from the Church Commission’s final report seems to have great relevance for today: “… the violent acts of political terrorists can seriously endanger the rights of Americans. Carefully focused intelligence investigations can help prevent such acts. But too often intelligence has lost this focus and domestic intelligence activities have invaded individual privacy and violated the rights of lawful assembly and political expression” (Select Committee to Study Government Operations, 1976).

The Backlash Against the USA PATRIOT Act

We should not be surprised with this massive earth-shattering shift in attitude, philosophy and doctrine. Michael Chertoff of Homeland Security, the ADL and Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs (JINSA) made sure that law enforcement agencies in the United States view citizens, all citizens as “potential terrorists” and should be dealt with as “terrorists”.Dont need no damn cops period
Mask of Zion “To smile when confronted with the most severe oppression, is an act of Resistance rooted in unparalleled beauty.” ~ Jonathan Azaziah

The Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews:  –

How Jews Gained Control of the Black American Economy

and Jews Selling Blacks:

Slave Sale Advertising by American Jews,

the Historical Research Department of the Nation of Islam, based 100% on Jewish (oftentimes rabbinical) and philo-Semitic sources, unequivocally demonstrates that the torturous, inhuman and genocidal Transatlantic Slave Trade was an endeavor dominated by Jews, going back to the very beginnings of it in Brazil and Surinam. Despite a systematic smear campaign still going on to this day, the Jewish-Zionist Power Configuration has failed miserably in refuting the scholarly volumes because of the meticulous sourcing.

According to veterans Today

Terrorism based on mere facts and statistics is not and never was a factual issue but a political issue transforming America to a police state no different from Israel.

As such the entire shift of the American police doctrine from fighting common ground to fighting terrorism is ill advised and ill founded and undermines the very nature between American citizens and their local police force.

The USA PATRIOT Act is an Act of Congress that was signed into law by President George W. Bush on October 26, 2001. Its title is a ten-letter backronym (USA PATRIOT) that stands for “Uniting and Strengthening America by Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism Act of 2001″.[1]

The Patriot ACT Act

drove a stake through the heart of the Bill of Rights, violating at least six of the ten original amendments—the First, Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, Seventh and Eighth Amendments—and possibly the Thirteenth and Fourteenth Amendments, as well. The Patriot Act also redefined terrorism so broadly that many non-terrorist political activities such as protest marches, demonstrations and civil disobedience were considered potential terrorist acts, thereby rendering anyone desiring to engage in protected First Amendment expressive activities as suspects of the surveillance state.

The law also granted the FBI the right to come to your place of employment, demand your personal records and question your supervisors and fellow employees, all without notifying you; allowed the government access to your medical records, school records and practically every personal record about you; and allowed the government to secretly demand to see records of books or magazines you’ve checked out in any public library and Internet sites you’ve visited (at least 545 libraries received such demands in the first year following passage of the Patriot Act).

Prison Industry sayings Quotes crime Cops

rather than expiring quietly, those provisions are once again up for reauthorization on May 28, thanks to the handiwork of  Rep. Jim Sensenbrenner (R-Wis.), a senior member of the House Judiciary Committee, with backing from Reps. Lamar Smith (R-Texas) and Mike Rogers (R-Mich.), the chairmen of the Judiciary and Intelligence committees, respectively. Unfortunately, not only are Sensenbrenner and his cohorts pushing to extend the first two controversial provisions (allowing “roving wiretaps” of phones used by terror suspects and allowing federal investigators to compel production of business records) for six more years, they have also proposed making permanent the “lone wolf” provision, allowing the government to monitor individuals who they believe are terrorists even though they might not have ties to a specific group.

The McCarthy era and the wiretapping of Martin Luther King Jr. illustrated, the government’s amassing of power, especially in relation to its ability to spy on Americans, predates the passage of the Patriot Act in 2001.

Yet what the Patriot Act and its subsequent incarnations did was legitimize what had previously been covert and frowned upon as a violation of Americans’ long-cherished privacy rights. Thus, what began with the passage of the USA Patriot Act in the fall of 2001 has snowballed into a massive assault on our constitutional freedoms, our system of government and our fundamental philosophies and way of life.


What To Do At A DUI Roadblock

By William Pangman, a past president and inventor of the Wisconsin Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers.

What is a driver obliged to do when run up against with a police backup way to go?

The United States Supreme Court got together a response to this appeal in Michigan Department of State Police v. Sitz, 110 S.Ct. 2481 (1990). In Sitz, a get-together of Michigan drivers attempted the authenticity of an interstate limitation check-point used by the Michigan State Police. The essential check-point worked in Michigan was in Saginaw County. The operation proceeded for 60 minutes and fifteen minutes and each vehicle encountering the designated extent was ceased for pretty just about 25 seconds. Precisely when officers recognized that the drivers finished at the check-point may be affected by an intoxicant, those vehicles were asked to draw in over to the side of the street and drivers were asked for to perform field leveling tests.

Out of the 126 drivers which encountered the check-point, just three drivers were asked to compel over. These truths were clearly essential to Supreme Court Chief Justice Rehnquist, who made the appraisal for the lion’s offer. The Court certified that the Michigan check-point, under the feelings and circumstances showed, did not make a mind boggling interruption on specific’s certification under the Fourth Amendment.

Rehnquist joined a three-point changing test to comprehend if constraint check-concentrates with everything considered are sensible under the Fourth Amendment. This test included adjusting the State’s vitality for anticipating incidents made by intoxicated drivers, the sensibility of the parity check- packs in completing the objective, and the level of impedance on a specific’s made right to security brought on by the check-focuses.

The Chief Justice considered that nobody could truly investigate the compass of the put driving issue or the State’s vitality for wrecking it. Additionally, Rehnquist found that a 25 second yield in travel was insignificantly meddling with driver’s rights, particularly considering the way that voyaging drivers could kill the street when they saw the backup way to go, or make U-turns to avoid encountering it. As to the sensibility of the limitation check-point, the court held that the system was extreme, notwithstanding the way that just 1 of the 126 drivers finished was gotten.

In the last examination, it is at present the law that from a shaky Fourth Amendment outlook, nondiscriminatory limitation check-concentrates by and large are not weird. Remember that other Fourth Amendment issues with parity check-focuses may exist when specific drivers encountering the check-point are asked to draw over.

Police don’t have the profit, for the most part, to check driver’s licenses or enlistments when the stop is not started by an infringement. Regardless, where the police have a sensible suspicion of unlawful behavior, despite the path that there is not authentic infringement of the law they may inspect drivers’ licenses or enlistment.

In the Sitz case, officers were not permitted to make a driver commute over and demonstrate his/her permit or check the driver’s enrollment unless the officer saw indications of inebriation. Moreover, a driver never needs to agree to a police solicitation of his or her individual or vehicle, yet, the police may make such an investment even without the driver’s assent when either: 1) they have sensible backing to recognize the vehicle contains stash or the trademark things or instrumentalities of a wrongdoing; 2) when the driver has been set caught; or 3) they may make a visual overview of inside voyager compartment from the officer’s position outside the vehicle, to watch unlawful articles on display.

As to the level of drivers rights; when tenants are run up against with improvised courses, they ought to be wonderful. On the off chance that they don’t cut down their window it makes the feeling that the officer’s suspicion would be raised and, in any occasion, may give the officer grounds to require the driver to pull in over to the side of the street.

After beginning contact with the hindrance, nationals might beneficently abatement to answer any of the officer’s solicitation. The running with is an example of a declaration of rights that can be reiterated and accommodated an officer at a bar:


Reauthorized Patriot Act Measured Response to Threat of Terrorism by ADL/#FalseFlags


The Anti-Defamation League, founded in 1913,claims to be

the world’s leading organization fighting anti-Semitism through programs and services that counteract hatred, prejudice and bigotry.

New York, NY, July 22, 2005 

The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) called legislation approved yesterday in the House to reauthorize sections of the USA PATRIOT Act, “a measured response to the legitimate threat of terrorism” and urged Congress to continue to build additional safeguards and reporting requirements into the legislation as it moves to the Senate.  The League discussed the reauthorization of the PATRIOT Act in a meeting last month with Attorney General Alberto Gonzales

Sunset Provision

DEFINITION of ‘Sunset Provision’

A clause in a statute, regulation or similar piece of legislation that provides for an automatic repeal of the entire or sections of a law once a specific date is reached. Once the sunset provision date is reached, the pieces of legislation mentioned in the clause are rendered void. If the government wishes to extend the length of time for which the law in question will be in effect, it can push back the sunset provision date any time before it is reached.


The purpose of a sunset provision is generally to allow lawmakers to institute a law when change or government action is required reasonably quickly, when the long-term ramifications of the law in question are difficult or impossible to foresee, or when circumstances warrant such a legal structure.

A good example of legislation warranting a sunset provision is the

U.S.A. Patriot Act. Intended to address relatively short-term security concerns following the events of September 11, 2001, the act, when it was initially drafted, included a sunset provision for December 31, 2005.

ADL stressed the importance of the original sunset provisions for certain provisions of the act.  Now that the House has removed most of those provisions, ADL will press for continuing, robust Congressional oversight, for accountability and transparency in implementing the powers granted under the Act, for appropriate administrative reporting requirements and for opportunities for meaningful judicial review of these provisions.

Ferguson, MO and the “Israelization” of America’s Police Force Under the Patriot Act. “Israelization” of America’s police force

0d26f23113234bcd3de87d7bdc531c48 quote-the-road-to-tyranny-we-must-never-forget-begins-with-the-destruction-of-the-truth-bill-clinton-220008 Palestinians-not-worth-to-live

Ferguson, Mo is not about the militarization’s of America’s police force. It is and should be about the “Israelization” of America’s police force in equipment, training, ideology, perception and doctrine. The days of “to serve and protect” are long gone, given way to the new doctrine imported from Israel where “citizens” are the enemies, especially if they are Blacks, Hispanic, Muslims, Arabs or White Leftist and liberals. We have seen this transformation in the way the local police dealt with the “Occupy Wall Street” and how it dealt with the citizen’s protest in Ferguson, MO.

We should not be surprised with this massive earth-shattering shift in attitude, philosophy and doctrine. Michael Chertoff of Homeland Security, the ADL and Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs (JINSA) made sure that law enforcement agencies in the United States view citizens, all citizens as “potential terrorists” and should be dealt with as “terrorists”.

Americans are no more citizens with constitutional rights of free speech, free assembly, with the rights to petition governments, with rights against illegal search and seizure, Miranda and Fifth Amendment rights against self-incrimination. These rights do not exist and never existed In Israel especially to none “ Jewish” residents or citizens of the State of Israel, let alone the 4 million Palestinians Arabs under Occupation, who have NO rights whatsoever other than being potential and or terrorists.

This is the United States of America, and America is not an “Occupied Territories” with Apartheid Wall, barbed wires, separate roads for Jews and non-Jews, land theft an seizure, home demolition and marauding gangs of Jewish settlers. Unless we thing of Congress and the White House as an “Israeli Occupied Territories”. Here we are citizens, not an the “enemy” resident of “occupied territories.

Israeli PropagandaReligion-is-notorious-for-conceiving-an-idea-and-then-trying-to-make-it-true-either-by-propaganda-or-sometimes-by-force..-While-science-makes-a-discovery-and-then-immediately-sets-about-trying-to-disprove-it.-Seth-McFarlane False Flags

False flag quote-if-you-tell-a-big-enough-lie-and-tell-it-frequently-enough-it-will-be-believed-adolf-hitler-85901 2 Edward_Bernays-20120625-120517

In 1990, when Dick Cheney was Secretary of Defense, Congress passed the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), which contained Section 1208, authorizing the Secretary of Defense to “transfer to Federal and State agencies personal property of the Department of Defense, including small arms and ammunition, that the Secretary determines is suitable for use by such agencies in counter-drug activities; and excess to the needs of the Department of Defense.”  The “1208 Program” thus established, was updated in 1996 and became the “1033 Program” after Section 1033 of that year’s NDAA.  1033 created a Law Enforcement Support Office  within the Defense Logistics Agency to manage the dispursal.

Not surprisingly, given Dick Cheney’s close ties to major defense contractors, the program was boon to the arms industry.  Police and sheriffs departments around the country received old military hardware, including humvees and other armored vehicles, which required ongoing maintenance contracts, spare parts, etc.  The program clearly established a militarization of police and sheriffs forces that has proceeded apace ever since.woodrow_wilson_1913_us_secret_government

Feds to investigate high generic drug prices

TEVA Pharmaceuticals in Kfar Sava, Israel

Today, is the world’s biggest generic-drug maker and a major force in the U.S. market. It fills more prescriptions for Americans than any other company except Pfizer Inc. Teva expects revenue of about $4.5 billion this year, twice the amount of the next-largest generic maker although only a fraction of the more than $52 billion in revenue Pfizer expects this year.

The Department of Health and Human Services plans to study the total cost of Medicare and Medicaid programs due to the price increases, according to a letter from lawmakers pressing the issue.

Potential presidential candidate

Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., and Rep. Elijah Cummings, D-Md.,

asked for the investigation earlier this year.

Generic drugs increased in price from 2013 to 2014, according to an analysis of Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services data provided by the two lawmakers.

The highest markup was for a 500 mg capsule of the antibiotic tetracycline, which skyrocketed from a nickel per capsule to $8.53 per capsule, a boost of more than 17,000 percent, according to the analysis.

We’ve got to get to the bottom of these enormous price increases,” Sanders said Tuesday.

In addition to examining prices, the administration will investigate applying a rebate provision in the Social Security Act to generic drugs.

The provision requires brand-name drug makers to issue a rebate to customers if their drug goes past a certain price.

President Obama included in his budget a proposal to allow the government to negotiate with drug companies to get a lower price for Medicare and Medicaid-covered drugs. The practice is used in Europe to drive down prices, but it is for the general public.


AppleMarkIsrael saying qoute who controls you 2



difine propa gandaFrench Immigration police #CharlieHebdo Dieudonné M'bala PropagandoQuotation-Hugo-Black-tyranny-revolution-constitution-speech-change-friend-Meetville-Quotes-159624

ADL_THR_FullPageAd_GoldaMeir_v1.inddQuotes sayings Hemp Darkie 2


According to the ADL “New Black Panthers Inflame Michael Brown Incident In Missouri


Purports:  The lead­ers of the New Black Pan­ther Party (NBPP), the largest orga­nized anti-Semitic and racist Black mil­i­tant group in Amer­ica, trav­eled to Fer­gu­son, Mis­souri, inflam­ing the already tense sit­u­a­tion fol­low­ing the fatal shoot­ing of unarmed teenager Michael Brown by police.

Police say Gray is acting “irate” in the back of the van. The van is stopped and Gray is placed in leg shackles and repositioned in the van. Some residents describe a violent encounter.

irate |ʌɪˈreɪt|
feeling or characterized by great anger: a barrage of irate letters.

The man said that Rice and other officers moved toward him, blocking his view of the van. They didn’t ask him to stop recording, but Rice took out his Taser and threatened to use it if he didn’t leave, the man said.

Gross is then heard telling her neighbor, “Let’s walk away.” After that, both of them left.

Shortly after Gray’s death, police posted fliers around the area asking residents with video of the incident to come forward. A police news release on April 16 stated that when the van departed from Mount and Baker streets, video evidence indicated that Gray was “conscious and speaking.”

It is unclear which video police are referring to; neither the cellphone video taken with Gross’ phone nor the security camera initially released by police reveals Gray speaking or moving.

Gross said police never reached out to her for the cellphone video footage and she has not spoken to them.

Gray’s death still upsets Gross. She has seen police beatings portrayed on television but has never known anyone who died from alleged brutality — certainly not someone she used to call “son.”

She said, “He won’t be calling me Mom anymore.”

What I do is business. What you do is disorder – Chris Hayes Speaks candidly to Jr Journalist

What is CIVILITER MORTUUS? Civilly dead ; dead in the view of the law. Blue And Red ACA Compared


What is The Affordable Care Act? in Blue ACA

Obama Care Dental (ACA)
Obama Care Dental (ACA)

and RED

What is The ACA In red -Regulatory Environment: CCA is currently accredited by the American Corrections Association (ACA).

Chris Christie’s Texas horror: Meet the scandalous prison company he’s long promoted

A corporation Christie’s lobbied for and long pushed runs notorious detention center

“Inadequate medical care, poor nutrition, lack of access to legal services, absence of meaningful programming, and a willful neglect of those who are imprisoned there plague the Polk detention center.”

The facility is used by the federal Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency to house immigrant detainees who are seeking asylum in the United States.

 Noting Christie’s “long and very close relationship with Community Education Centers,” the private company running the facility for ICE, one critic told Salon, “I think it’s time people start asking questions, because this company’s practices are not confined to New Jersey.”

The hunger strike at the detention center in Guantánamo Bay, Cuba, now enters its sixth month. Meanwhile, California Governor Jerry Brown is fighting federal court orders to reduce the state’s prison population. And this week, inmates in California state prisons resumed hunger strikes initiated in 2011 by detainees in indefinite solitary confinement — some for over three decades.


Ronald Brockmeyer, the municipal judge in Ferguson, has resigned less than a week after a scathing federal report called his court little more than an ATM for the city. And the Missouri Supreme Court has ordered all Ferguson municipal court cases transferred to Judge Roy L. Richter of the Court of Appeals for the Eastern District of Missouri.

BLUE ACA Obamacare Helps Ex-Convicts. That’s A Good Thing!

The Affordable Care Act (ACA), officially called The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) and sometimes called ObamaCare, is a US law that reforms both the healthcare and health insurance industries in America.


Red ACA Regulatory Environment: CCA is currently accredited by the American Corrections Association (ACA), a private non-governmental organization providing self-created standards. There is currently is no oversight or regulation of the organization beyond its own staff. Eighty-five percent of CCA facilities are accredited by ACA.

Your members of Congress have the power to end this “bed quota” by denying federal funding for the initiative in the FY15 Federal Budget.

You can take a stand in solidarity with detained immigrants at Please call your members of Congress TODAY and ask them to tell their counterparts on Appropriations Committees to eliminate the bed quota.

Revenue: $1.77 billion, 100% of which comes from taxpayers via government contracts (2012)


Parent Company: Corrections Corporation of America (CCA)


First Tier Subsidiaries:
CCA of Tennessee, LLC, a Tennessee limited liability company

CCA TRS, LLC, a Maryland limited liability company
CCA (UK) Ltd., a United Kingdom corporation

Second Tier Subsidiaries:
CCA International, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company

Technical and Business Institute of America, LLC, a Tennessee limited liability company
TransCor America, LLC, a Tennessee limited liability company
TransCor Puerto Rico, Inc., a Puerto Rico corporation
CCA Health Services, LLC, a Tennessee limited liability company
Prison Realty Management, LLC, a Tennessee limited liability company
(Source: CCA 10-K, 2/27/2013)

Location(s): Arizona, California, Colorado, District of Columbia, Florida, Georgia, Idaho, Indiana, Kentucky, Louisiana, Minnesota, Mississippi, Nevada, New Jersey, New Mexico, Ohio, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Texas


In the American political context African Americans have the greatest legacy because of their crusade for freedom and civil rights. Unlike Anglo-Americans, African Americans were barred from society for no other reason than their skin color, but their fight for freedom forced Americans to define themselves and how to protect their rights in a free society. The American system has been touted by historians such as Gordon Wood as being a radical departure from the British model of government. Barbara Clark Smith argued that the American Revolution was not a radical event because it failed to meet the egalitarian principles set forth by the revolutionary intellectuals. Wood’s response was that the radical nature of the Revolution was not seen until well after the war and subsequent nation building, because those principles led to emancipation and universal suffrage. Smith’s point is important to note because the immediacy created by the concept of “radical” was not met during the Revolutionary period. For the enslaved their lot in life had not changed with Treaty of Paris or the Constitution of the United States. The Constitution, previous to the passage of the 14th Amendment, did not provide a definition of citizenship. It was just assumed that an American citizen was a white male landowner. The reality of this situation was that racial discrimination caused many to turn their backs on egalitarianism for a racially bifurcated society. At this point, African Americans, free and enslaved, had to collectively speak out against this discrimination and remind Anglo-Americans of their egalitarian principles. The greatest legacy of Civil Rights Movement was that it forced America to abide by its altruistic principles. African Americans forced the definition of citizenship and created greater protections for American civil rights.

CCA Announces New $205 Million Investment In Correctional Center In Ariz.
Revenue: $1.77 billion, 100% of which comes from taxpayers via government contracts (2012)

Obama’s Top 50 Accomplishments #UNITEBLUE Protecting the Union

Obama’s Top 50 Accomplishments
By Paul Glastris, Ryan Cooper, and Siyu Hu 

#BarrackObama DetroitPrison Art

Preserving the Union

  1.  Passed Health Care Reform:
  2. Obama launches effort aimed at HIV cure Reagan Laughs

  3. Passed the Stimulus: .
  4. Passed Wall Street Reform:.
  5. Ended the War in Iraq:
  6.  Began Drawdown of War in Afghanistan:.
  7. Eliminated Osama bin laden:
  8.  Turned Around U.S. Auto Industry:
  9. Recapitalized Banks:
  10. Repealed “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell”
  11. Toppled Moammar Gaddafi:
  12. Told Mubarak to Go: 
  13. Reversed Bush Torture Policies:
  14.  Improved America’s Image Abroad:
  15. Kicked Banks Out of Federal Student Loan Program, Expanded Pell Grant Spending:
  16.  Created Race to the Top:
  17. Boosted Fuel Efficiency Standards:
  18. Coordinated International Response to Financial Crisis:
  19. Began Asia “Pivot” Increased Support for Veterans:
  20. Created Conditions to Begin Closing Dirtiest Power Plants:
  21. Passed Credit Card Reforms: 
  22. Eliminated Catch-22 in Pay Equality Laws:
  23. Protected Two Liberal Seats on the U.S. Supreme Court:
  24. Improved Food Safety System:
  25. Achieved New START Treaty:
  26.  Expanded National Service: Signed Serve America Act in 2009, which authorized a tripling of the size of AmeriCorps. Program grew 13 percent to 85,000 members across the country by 2012, when new House GOP majority refused to appropriate more funds for further expansion.
  27. Expanded Wilderness and Watershed Protection:
  28. Gave the FDA Power to Regulate Tobacco:
  29. Pushed Federal Agencies to Be Green Leaders: Issued executive order in 2009 requiring all federal agencies to make plans to soften their environmental impacts by 2020.
  30. Trimmed and Reoriented Missile Defense:
  31. Began Post-Post-9/11 Military Builddown:
  32.  Let Space Shuttle Die and Killed Planned Moon Mission:  in favor of support for private-sector low-earth orbit ventures, research on new rocket technologies for long-distance manned flight missions, and unmanned space exploration, including the largest interplanetary rover ever launched, which will investigate Mars’s potential to support life.
  33. Invested Heavily in Renewable Technology:
  34. Crafting Next-Generation School Tests: Devoted $330 million in stimulus money to pay two consortia of states and universities to create competing versions of new K-12 student performance tests based on latest psychometric research. New tests could transform the learning environment in vast majority of public school classrooms beginning in 2014.
  35. Cracked Down on Bad For-Profit Colleges:
  36.  Improved School Nutrition: In coordination with Michelle Obama, signed Healthy Hunger-Free Kids Act in 2010 mandating $4.5 billion spending boost and higher nutritional and health standards for school lunches. New rules based on the law, released in January, double the amount of fruits and vegetables and require only whole grains in food served to students.
  37. Expanded Hate Crimes Protections:Avoided Scandal:Brokered Agreement for Speedy Compensation to Victims of Gulf Oil Spill:
  38. Created
  39. Pushed Broadband Coverage: Proposed and obtained in 2011 Federal Communications Commission approval for a shift of $8 billion in subsidies away from landlines and toward broadband Internet for lower-income rural families.
  40. Expanded Health Coverage for Children: Signed 2009 Children’s Health Insurance Authorization Act, which allows the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) to cover health care for 4 million more children, paid for by a tax increase on tobacco products.
  41.  Recognized the Dangers of Carbon Dioxide:
  42. Expanded Stem Cell Research:
  43. Provided Payment to Wronged Minority Farmers: In 2009, signed Claims Resolution Act, which provided $4.6 billion in funding for a legal settlement with black and Native American farmers who the government cheated out of loans and natural resource royalties in years past.
  44.  Helped South Sudan Declare Independence: Appointed two envoys to Sudan and personally attended a special UN meeting on the area. Through U.S. ambassador to the United Nations Ambassador Susan Rice, helped negotiate a peaceful split in 2011.
  45. Passed Fair Sentencing Act: Signed 2010 legislation that reduces sentencing disparity between crack versus powder cocaine possessionfrom100 to1 to 18 to1.
  46. Passed Fair Sentencing Act: Signed 2010 legislation that reduces sentencing disparity between crack versus powder cocaine possessionfrom100 to1 to 18 to1.

FIND YOUR OBAMA #TelecareCorporation Service Area 4 Los Angeles, CA 90017 MENTAL HEALTH

Telecare Corporation Service Area 4 Los Angeles, CA 90017 MENTAL HEALTH WORTH THE MONEY $ MORE THAN BIG CORPORATION 4 JOBS–Trust me. Increase grant please. Excellent all facets mental health and homeless services. Cold out side. WE MATTER MORE. Signed the majority; and veterans. HELP DOWN HERE! Please a little, for real. Thank YOU Sir President…


Hurricane Katrina OBAMACARE

President Busch  did nothing during the first crucial two days. He did’t even lend a hand” President. In the briefing the day before, he made not one suggestion—did not even ask a question.

The day-ahead warnings were dramatically clear. Next morning, as Katrina hit New Orleans, Bush left his ranch for a drug-benefits, politicking tour starting with a birthday celebration for McCain, then a visit to “El Mirage Country Club”, then on to Cucamonga, California. He missed that day’s video conference on Katrina. Next day he continued his tour in California.

Saturday, August 27 Kathleen Blanco, governor of Louisiana:blanco
She requests President Bush to declare a state of emergency in Louisiana.
At least 100,000 people in the city lack transportation to get out … Louisiana and Mississippi make all lanes northbound on interstate highways…”
Wednesday morning,
Aug 31st Three DMATs arrived around 0200 hours on
7:30 AM CDTBUSH ADMINISTRATION NOTIFIED OF THE LEVEE BREACH: The administration finds out that a levee in New Orleans was breached.
On this day, 28 “government agencies, from local Louisiana parishes to the White House, that New Orleans levees” were breached.

“I’ve gotten reports this morning that there is already water coming over some of the levee systems. In the lower ninth ward, we’ve had one of our pumping stations to stop operating, so we will have significant flooding, it is just a matter of how much.”


“Flooding is significant throughout the region and a levee in New Orleans has reportedly been breached sending 6-8 feet of water throughout the 9th ward area of the city.

MORNING — BROWN WARNS BUSH ABOUT THE POTENTIAL DEVASTATION OF KATRINA: In a briefing, Brown warned Bush, “This is, to put it mildly, the big one, I think.”

He also voiced concerns that the government may not have the capacity to “respond to a catastrophe within a catastrophe” and that the Superdome was ill-equipped to be a refuge of last resort.

MORNING — MAYFIELD WARNS BUSH ABOUT THE TOPPING OF THE LEVEES: In the same briefing, Max Mayfield, National Hurricane Center Director, warns,

“This is a category 5 hurricane, very similar to Hurricane Andrew in the maximum intensity, but there’s a big big difference.

This hurricane is much larger than Andrew ever was. I also want to make absolutely clear to everyone that the greatest potential for large loss of lives is still in the coastal areas from the storm surge. … I don’t think anyone can tell you with any confidence right now whether the levees will be topped or not, but there’s obviously a very very grave concern.”


“I spoke to Mike Chertoff today — he’s the head of the Department of Homeland Security. I knew people would want me to discuss this issue , so we got us an airplane on — a telephone on Air Force One, so I called him. I said, are you working with the governor? He said, you bet we are.”



11AM CDT — MICHAEL BROWN FINALLY REQUESTS THAT DHS DISPATCH 1,000 EMPLOYEES TO REGION, GIVES THEM TWO DAYS TO ARRIVE: “Brown’s memo to Chertoff described Katrina as ‘this near catastrophic event’ but otherwise lacked any urgent language. The memo politely ended, ‘Thank you for your consideration in helping us to meet our responsibilities.’”

LATE MORNING — LEVEE BREACHED: “A large section of the vital 17th Street Canal levee, where it connects   to the brand new ‘hurricane proof’ Old Hammond Highway bridge, gave way late Monday morning in Bucktown after Katrina’s fiercest winds were well north.”

11AM CDT — BUSH VISITS ARIZONA RESORT TO PROMOTE MEDICARE DRUG BENEFIT: “This new bill I signed says, if you’re a senior and you like the way things are today, you’re in good shape, don’t change. But, by the way, there’s a lot of different options for you. And we’re here to talk about what that means to our seniors.”

4:30PM CDT — BUSH TRAVELS TO CALIFORNIA SENIOR CENTER TO DISCUSS MEDICARE DRUG BENEFIT: “We’ve got some folks up here who are concerned about their Social Security or Medicare. Joan Geist is with us. … I could tell — she was looking at me when I first walked in the room to meet her, she was wondering whether or not old George W. is going to take away her Social Security check.”

8PM CDT — RUMSFELD ATTENDS SAN DIEGO PADRES BASEBALL GAME: Rumsfeld “joined Padres President John Moores in the owner’s box…at Petco Park.”

8PM CDT — GOV. BLANCO AGAIN REQUESTS ASSISTANCE FROM BUSH: “Mr. President, we need your help. We need everything you’ve got.”


Mitt Romney and Rick Scott both have Medicare fraud in their background

urine sampleFor Rick Scott, that means nearly 170,000 new potential customers for his … sorry, his wife’s … Solantic walk-in clinics.  Scott’s newest scheme, which will help him turn a profit from his $70 million investment in becoming a one-term Florida governor, would be genius if it weren’t so darned evil.

Not surprisingly, the program was brought to a quick halt. Back in October of 2011, a federal judge ruled that the Florida drug testing law was unconstitutional.

Further, in the few months that the program was up and running, it was shown that only 2% of welfare applicants tested positive for drugs. About 9% of the general population reports using drugs in the past month. So much for Governor Rick Scott’s theory that the poor use drugs more often than the rest of the populace.

As it turns out, the program is estimated to have cost Florida over $200,000. From any perspective, this policy can be regarded as a failure.

Last summer, Florida implemented a law requiring all welfare applicants to submit to a mandatory drug test before receiving any benefits (Applicants had to pay the $30 for the test themselves, only to be reimbursed later if they passed. For more information, see this NORML blog post.). Not surprisingly, the program was brought to a quick halt. Back in October of 2011, a federal judge ruled that the Florida drug testing law was unconstitutional.

Further, in the few months that the program was up and running, it was shown that only 2% of welfare applicants tested positive for drugs. About 9% of the general population reports using drugs in the past month. So much for Governor Rick Scott’s theory that the poor use drugs more often than the rest of the populace.

Florida has just under 168,000 state employees, including just over 105,000 in the executive branch. For Rick Scott, that means nearly 170,000 new potential customers for his … sorry, his wife’s … Solantic walk-in clinics.  Scott’s newest scheme, which will help him turn a profit from his $70 million investment in becoming a one-term Florida governor, would be genius if it weren’t so darned evil. Fresh off his plan to drug test welfare recipients in the state, compounding what for many people is an embarrassing experience, having to take public assistance, Scott now plans to visit the same humiliation on state workers. You know, the ones who haven’t had a raise in four years and who are about the have their unions shredded and their pensions hollowed out by the right wing legislature.

Will Scott’s order for drug testing cause pee party revolt?‘Even though Florida Gov Rick Scott ran a company that paid a record fine for committing Medicare fraud’  Irregardless, He wants to drug test honest citizens.

Tea isn’t the only liquid suitable for a revolt.

I mention this because Gov. Rick Scott turns out to have an unusual fascination for the collection of urine.

I guess we should have figured as much. Because between the time his hospital chain got caught looting Medicare and when he became Gov. Voldemort, Scott started Solantic, a company that specializes in workplace drug tests.

And it seems that Scott wasted little time as the state’s chief executive to issue one of his getting-to-be-familiar, pulled-from-down-under executive orders requiring the state’s approximately 105,000 state employees to submit to random drug testing on the job.

Scott made his announcement while congratulating the Florida Legislature for advancing would-be legislation requiring drug testing for people on public assistance, a draconian measure in its own right.

But the symbolism couldn’t be more obvious: Welfare recipients equal public employees.

Legal precedent may close lid on plan

It’s too bad that as a candidate, Scott hadn’t mentioned that his plans for job creation in Florida involved converting public-worker urine into corporate-sector growth. It would have made for a good campaign slogan: “Let’s Pee to Work.”

Scott’s double-barrelled humiliation of the poor and the public-sector employed will probably sit well with his tea party enablers, who only fetishize the parts of the constitution they like.

Showing a picture of the two men locked in a handshake, the ad urges viewers to “connect the dots.

“Scott ran a company that paid a record fine for committing Medicare fraud, then as governor Scott cut millions from health care,” a narrator says. “Romney was director of a company that stole millions from Medicare. Now Romney’s plan would end Medicare as we know it. 

Perry and Dewhurst actually want to go further than Florida. They want to test the unemployed, a slice of the population that tends to be more middle-class than welfare recipients. It’s important to note that in Texas you can’t collect unemployment if you were fired with cause, including because of drug use.

Gov. Rick Scott intends to take his fight for random drug tests of tens of thousands of state employees all the way to the U.S. Supreme Court, a lawyer for the Republican governor told a federal judge Thursday.

But Charles Trippe, who was previously Scott’s general counsel and is now in private practice, could not persuade U.S. District Judge Ursula Ungaro to delay further proceedings in the case while the state appeals. Ungaro said she did not want to become “a political tool” in the controversial issue — and she also said Scott has “probably about zero” chance of winning a Supreme Court case.

A federal appeals court has upheld a district judge’s October 2011 injunction suspending Florida’s law forcing welfare applicants to take drug tests to qualify for aid. The judges didn’t mince their words in rejecting the law:

“The evidence in this record does not suggest that the population of TANF recipients engages in illegal drug use or that they misappropriate government funds for drugs at the expense of their own and their children’s basic subsistence,” the three-judge panel wrote. “The State has presented no evidence that simply because an applicant for TANF benefits is having financial problems, he is also drug addicted or prone to fraudulent and neglectful behavior.”


+10K children sleep on the streets of LA #GOV BROWN#ObamaCares#BANKFORECLOSURE #BANKSBAILEDOUT #ObamaCare No bailout No Adress No Phone #Homeless Services for Los Angeles

Petition To NoT pay for Congress during the shutdown– Congressional Insurrection Unacceptable To TAXPAYERS


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The Black Bruins [Spoken Word] – Sy Stokes UCLA– MORE CHAMPIONSHIPS THAN NUMBER OF BLACK STUDENTS. Reveals The world’s largest online family history resource reveals that President Barack Obama is related to former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin. Obama and Palin are 10th cousins through common ancestor John Smith. The website also found that Obama is related to one of his most vociferous critics, conservative radio talk show host Rush Limbaugh Perhaps Rush will ease up on the President when he learns they are actually 10th cousins once removed via common ancestor Richmond Terrell.

 But the connections don’t end there. Obama, Palin and former President George W. Bush are also related. Obama and Bush, who both reached the highest office in the land, are 11th cousins through common ancestor Samuel Hinckley. Palin and Bush, who are also 11th cousins, are also related through Hinckley. Apparently leadership runs in the family, since Hinckley’s son, Thomas, went on to become governor of Plymouth Colony.