Iran-Contra: Who Leaked Ronald Reagan’s 1985-1986 Arms-for-Crack for holding Hostages Deals?

Ten American sailors were reportedly being held by Iran after two US Navy riverine patrol boats entered Iranian waters  hours before US President Barack Obama is due to give his final State of the Union address before Congress.

(22) A Mossad agent admits that, in 1984, Mossad planted a radio transmitter in Gaddaffi’s compound in Tripoli, Libya which broadcast fake terrorist trasmissions recorded by Mossad, in order to frame Gaddaffi as a terrorist supporter. Ronald Reagan bombed Libya immediately thereafter.

What if Obama had an Iran-Contra?

What if President Obama had presided over a scandal half as scandalous as Iran-Contra?

As with Saddam Hussein, Noriega enjoyed American support until he turned into a wayward ally who had to be overthrown. Noriega made himself valuable to the US during the Contra wars when he allowed the US to set up listening posts in Panama and by helping the US campaign against the leftist Sandinista regime in Nicaragua. Noriega allowed Panama to be used as a conduit for US money and weapons for the Contras as then US president Ronald Reagan sought to undermine the Sandinistas.

Noriega Bush cocaine kingpin

Bush and the U.S. Department of Justice-not No­riega-who were caught in bed with the Cali, Colombia drug cartel.
under President George H.W. Bush
    • In 1989, Guillermo Endara was elected Panama’s president, but current leader Manuel Noriega refused to acknowledge Endara’s victory or relinquish power. In addition to this dictatorial behavior, Noriega had been accused of spying on the U.S., as well as using Panama to traffic drugs into the U.S.

Only the small army of federal agents watching them knew that it was all a lie.

There was no house. No drugs.1372430693000-stashhouses-promoart-1306281050_4_3

How many so-called ‘tribal wars’ wars have been fought with USA weapons, over resources that end up in the USA?


Bush invaded Panama just to get one man.

 title= DEA Agent with Bush  

President George H. W. Bush’s Memorandum to Secretary of Defense Dick Cheney on the Arrest of General Manuel Noriega in Panama December 20, 19891214034511_99a33e75a5_o

 “Some are born to greatness. Others achieve greatness. Still others have greatness thrust upon them. Saddam Hussein is one of those people,” said Bush prior to presenting Saddam Hussein with the medal.

“Some are born to greatness. Others achieve greatness. Still others have greatness thrust upon them. Saddam Hussein is one of those people,” said Bush prior to presenting Saddam Hussein with the medal.

On January 29, 2003, prior to the 2003 invasion of Iraq, Mandela said,

“It’s a tragedy what is happening, what Bush is doing. All Bush wants is Iraqi oil. There is no doubt that the US is behaving badly. Why are they not seeking to confiscate weapons of mass destruction from their ally,

“It’s a tragedy what is happening, what Bush is doing. All Bush wants is Iraqi oil. There is no doubt that the US is behaving badly. Why are they not seeking to confiscate weapons of mass destruction from their ally, Israel? This is just an excuse to get Iraq’s oil.”

EXCLUSIVE: Trump trademarked slogan ‘Make America Great Again’ just DAYS after the 2012 election and says Ted Cruz has agreed not to use it again after Scott Walker booms it TWICE in speech

In an interview with Newsweek in 2002, in the run-up to the Iraq war, Mandela also singled out Israel and the hypocrisy surrounding the west’s stance on the Jewish state and its nuclear weapons stockpile: “Neither Bush nor Tony Blair has provided any evidence that such weapons exist [in Iraq]. But what we know is that Israel has weapons of mass destruction. Nobody talks about that. Why should there be one standard for one country, especially because it is black, and another one for another country, Israel, that is white.”

Speaking at the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People event in Pretoria in 1997, Mandela declaimed: “We know too well that our freedom is incomplete without the freedom of the Palestinians.. Yes, all of us need to do more in supporting the struggle of the people of Palestine for self-determination.”

Let’s be clear: Mandela was far from perfect in his foreign policy stances. He lauded Colonel Gaddafi as “Brother Leader” and a “friend” and admired the late despot so much that he named his grandson ‘Gaddafi’; he lavished praise on Fidel Castro and called Cuba “a source of inspiration to all freedom-loving people”. (Then again, to be fair to Madiba, Gaddafi-led Libya and Castro-led Cuba backed the ANC’s struggle against apartheid in the 1980s while the US and UK governments, under Ronald Reagan and Margaret Thatcher, dismissed the ANC as “terrorists” and Israel, as Chris McGreal has revealed, “provided expertise and technology that was central to [apartheid] South Africa’s development of its nuclear bombs”.)


symbolic representations of physical experiences in a five step process that includes:

Experiencing a Physical Event;​​
Drawing a picture, or modeling the event;​
Discussing and writing descriptions of the event in informal, intuitive language (People Talk);
Regimenting or formalizing the language used to describe the event (Feature Talk); and
Developing symbolic representations of the event.

Option is to Educate Youth on

Algebra, NRA, Guns and #Alec;

California Assembly passed a bill that would give juvenile lifers a shot at rehabilitation.



False flag (or black flag) describes covert military or paramilitary operations designed to deceive in such a way that the operations appear as though they are being carried out by entities, groups, or nations other than those who actually planned and executed them. Operations carried out during peace-time by civilian organizations, as well as covert government agencies, may by extension be called false flag operations if they seek to hide the real organization behind an operation. Geraint Hughes uses the term to refer to those acts carried out by “military or security force personnel, which are then blamed on terrorists.”

“THE TALK” Algebra by 3rd grade

The Algebra Project is a national U.S. mathematics literacy effort aimed at helping low-income students and students of colorsuccessfully achieve mathematical skills that are a prerequisite for a college preparatory mathematics sequence in high school.

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‘The Talk’ You’re Nine Times More Likely to be Killed by a Police Officer than a Terrorist

There were at least 155 Americans killed by police officers in the United States in 2011. That means that you were more than 9 times more likely to be killed by a law enforcement officer than by a terrorist.the-talk

When the news talks about gang-related deaths, they treat it as an almost exclusively Black problem. However, according to the Bureau of Justice Statistics, for the period of 1980 to 2008, a majority (53.3 percent) of gang homicides were committed by White offenders, and the majority of gang homicide victims (56.5 percent) were White.

Report: white on white crime rate exceeds that of black on black crime


“Guns, Drugs, the CIA and The #GOP Reaganomics of the Drug WAR”

Before every presidential election, Moon’s Washington Times plants derogatory – and often false – stories about Democratic contenders, discrediting them and damaging their chances of winning the White House.

For instance, in 1988, the Times published a bogus account suggesting that the Democratic nominee Michael Dukakis had undergone psychiatric treatment. In 2000, Moon’s newspaper pushed the theme that Al Gore suffered from clinical delusions. [For details, see Robert Parry’sSecrecy & Privilege.]

As for Murdoch, his giant News Corp. expanded into American cable TV with the founding of Fox News in 1996. Since then, the right-wing network has proved highly effective in promoting attack lines against Democrats or anyone else who challenges the Republican power structure.

As President George W. Bush herded the nation toward war with Iraq in 2002-03, Fox News acted like his sheep dogs making sure public opinion didn’t stray too far off. The “Fox effect” was so powerful that it convinced other networks to load up with pro-war military analysts and to silence voices that questioned the invasion. [See Neck Deep.]

U.S. Senator John Kerry:
The subcommittee on narcotics, terrorism, international operations will come to order. From what we have learned these past months, our declaration on war against drugs seems to have produced a war of words and not action. Our drugs seem to have produced a war of words and not action. Our borders are inundated with more narcotics than in anytime ever before. It seems as though stopping drug trafficking in the United States has been a secondary U.S. foreign policy objective, sacrificed repeatedly for other political and institutional goals such as changing the government of Nicaragua, supporting the government of Panama, using drug-running organizations as intelligence assets, and protecting military and intelligence sources from possible compromise through involvement in drug trafficking.

If we start with the premise that drug trafficking is morally reprehensible, our government agencies are not supposed to do anything like that, but they live in a practical world.


John Kerry:
Would you raise your right hand please.

Ramon Milian Rodriguez saw that world as the chief accountant of the Colombian cocaine cartel responsible for managing eleven billion dollars in drug profits. Now serving a forty-three year sentence for money laundering, he has been a key witness for a senate investigation probing links between drugs and the CIA.

Say for instance, the drug group was involved in a war with a terrorist group, a communist terrorist group, well, it would behove the CIA to give that drug group as much help and advice as possible so they could win their little war.

The history of the CIA runs parallel to criminal and drug operations throughout the world, but it’s coincidental.

Victor Marchetti came to know the world of covert operations as a long time CIA officer. He is the highest ranking agency official ever to go public about what he learned.

VICTOR MARCHETTI, Central Intelligence Agency 
It goes all the way back to the predecessor organization OSS and its involvement with the Italian mafia, the Cosa Nostra in Sicily and Southern Italy. Later on when they were fighting communists in France and–that they got in tight with the Corsican brotherhood. The Corsican brotherhood of course were big dope dealers. As things changed in the world the CIA got involved with the Kuomintang types in Burma who were drug runners because they were resisting the drift towards communism there. The same thing happened in Southeast Asia, later in Latin America. Some of the very people who are the best sources of information, who are capable of accomplishing things and the like happen to be the criminal element.

WILLIAM COLBY, Former Director, CIA
CIA has had a solid rule against being involved in drug trafficking. That’s not to say that some of the people who CIA has used or been in touch with over the years may well have themselves been involved in drug traffic, but not the CIA.

FRED PLATT, Former Pilot, Laos 
When a farmer raised a crop of opium, what he got for his year’s worth of work was the equivalent of thirty-five to forty U.S. dollars. That amount of opium, were it refined into morphine base, then into morphine, then into heroin and appeared on the streets of New York, that thirty-five dollar crop of opium would be worth fifty, sixty, a hundred thousand dollars in 1969 dollars–maybe a million dollars today.

The war isolated the Meo tribespeople in their remote villages. CIA-owned Air America planes became their only life line to the outside world. While Meo children came to believe that rice fell from the sky, Meo farmer witnesses could count on Air America to move their cash crop.

It was then the presence of these air support services in and out of the areas in question where the product, where the opium was grown that greatly facilitated an increase in production and an ease of transhipment from the point of agriculture to the point of processing. So, when I say the Americans greased the wheels, essentially what I’m saying is we did not create opium production. We did not create a situation where drug trafficking was happening. But because of the nature of our presence, this very intense American means that was made available to the situation it accelerated in proportion dramatically.

Good evening.

Two of the most persistent offensives of the Reagan presidency have been the war against communism in Central America and the war on drugs here at home.

But investigations of America’s secret war in Nicaragua have revealed mounting evidence that the Central Intelligence Agency has been fighting the Contra war with the help of international drug traffickers.

It is not a new story.

Tonight’s FRONTLINE investigation traces the CIA’s involvement with drug lords back to the agency’s birth following World War II. It is a long history that asks this question: “In the war on drugs, which side is the CIA on?”

Our program was produced by Leslie and Andrew Cockburn. It is called Guns, Drugs, and the CIA and is reported by Leslie Cockburn.

Ronald Reagan:
Illegal drugs are one thing that no community in America can, should, or needs to tolerate. America’s already started to take that message to heart. That’s why I believe the tide of battle has turned and we’re beginning to win the crusade for a drug-free America.

U.S. Senator John Kerry:
The subcommittee on narcotics, terrorism, international operations will come to order. From what we have learned these past months, our declaration on war against drugs seems to have produced a war of words and not action. Our drugs seem to have produced a war of words and not action. Our borders are inundated with more narcotics than in anytime ever before. It seems as though stopping drug trafficking in the United States has been a secondary U.S. foreign policy objective, sacrificed repeatedly for other political and institutional goals such as changing the government of Nicaragua, supporting the government of Panama, using drug-running organizations as intelligence assets, and protecting military and intelligence sources from possible compromise through involvement in drug trafficking.

If we start with the premise that drug trafficking is morally reprehensible, our government agencies are not supposed to do anything like that, but they live in a practical world.