symbolic representations of physical experiences in a five step process that includes:

Experiencing a Physical Event;​​
Drawing a picture, or modeling the event;​
Discussing and writing descriptions of the event in informal, intuitive language (People Talk);
Regimenting or formalizing the language used to describe the event (Feature Talk); and
Developing symbolic representations of the event.

Option is to Educate Youth on

Algebra, NRA, Guns and #Alec;

California Assembly passed a bill that would give juvenile lifers a shot at rehabilitation.



False flag (or black flag) describes covert military or paramilitary operations designed to deceive in such a way that the operations appear as though they are being carried out by entities, groups, or nations other than those who actually planned and executed them. Operations carried out during peace-time by civilian organizations, as well as covert government agencies, may by extension be called false flag operations if they seek to hide the real organization behind an operation. Geraint Hughes uses the term to refer to those acts carried out by “military or security force personnel, which are then blamed on terrorists.”

“THE TALK” Algebra by 3rd grade

The Algebra Project is a national U.S. mathematics literacy effort aimed at helping low-income students and students of colorsuccessfully achieve mathematical skills that are a prerequisite for a college preparatory mathematics sequence in high school.

View original post 323 more words

KOCH BROS DENY KKK BROTHERHOOD? Slam Harry Belafonte’s Ku Klux Klan Remark –Walks like a Duck Quacks like a Duck

Koch brothers slam Harry Belafonte’s Ku Klux Klan remark

No One Knows More about the Klan Then Mr. Belafonte, Not even the Klan.


Gov. Nelson A. Rockefeller.

The laws mandated that a conviction for possessing four ounces or more of heroin or cocaine be punished by at least 15 years to life in prison.

Billionaire brothers Charles and David Koch finally got their way in 2011. After their decades of funding the American Legislative Exchange Council, the collaboration between multinational corporations and conservative state legislators, the project began finally to yield the intended result.

For the first time in decades, or business as usual, the United States saw excessive laws put in place by KOCH Brothers that reinforce Black laws of Virginia , Laws to make real the promise of American democracy only for Koch Brotherhood.

the desire for monetary gain has led to the growth of the prison industry and the number of incarcerated individuals.


Koch brothers slam Harry Belafonte’s Ku Klux Klan remark

Walks like a duck Quacks like a Duck  

In 1923, the Anglo-Saxon Club founded two posts in Charlottesville, one for the town and one for students at the University of Virginia. It sought (and was successful in gaining) passage of legislation to classify all persons as belonging either to the “white” or “negro” races. A major goal was to end “amalgamation” by racial intermarriage. Members claimed also to support Anglo-Saxon ideas of fair play. Later that fall, a state convention of club members was to be held in Richmond.[6]

“[ALEC] is the creation of the Koch brothers who amassed their fortunes in oil and who live in Florida. The goal of ALEC is to influence legislators across the nation.”[70]

In the 1920s, Virginia’s registrar of statistics, Dr. Walter Ashby Plecker, was allied with the newly founded Anglo-Saxon Club of America in persuading the Virginia General          Assembly to pass the Racial Integrity Law of 1924.[4] The club was founded in Virginia by John Powell of Richmond in the fall of 1922; within a year the club for white males had more than 400 members and 31 posts in the state.[5] In 1923, the Anglo-Saxon Club founded two posts in Charlottesville, one for the town and one for students at the University of Virginia.

It sought (and was successful in gaining) passage of legislation to classify all persons as belonging either to the “white” or “negro” races.

A major goal was to end “amalgamation” by racial intermarriage. Members claimed also to support Anglo-Saxon ideas of fair play. Later that fall, a state convention of club members was to be held in Richmond.[6]

The Virginia assembly’s 21st-century explanation for the laws summarizes their development: The now-discredited pseudo-science of eugenics was based on theories first propounded in England by Francis Galton, the cousin and disciple of famed biologist Charles Darwin.

The goal of the “science” of eugenics was to improve the human race by eliminating what the movement’s supporters considered hereditary disorders or flaws through selective breeding and social engineering.

The eugenics movement proved popular in the United States, with Indiana enacting the nation’s first eugenics-based sterilization law in 1907.[7] In the following five decades, other states followed Indiana’s example by implementing the eugenic laws.

Wisconsin was the first State to enact legislation that required the medical certification of persons who applied for marriage licenses. The law that was enacted in 1913 generated attempts at similar legislation in other states.

The Racial Integrity Act cited “scientific” eugenics arguments for prohibiting marriage between whites and non-whites. However, anti-miscegenation laws, banning interracial marriage between whites and non-whites, had existed long before the emergence of eugenics. First enacted during the Colonial era when slavery had become essentially a racial caste, such laws were in effect in Virginia and in much of the United States until the 1960s. Andrew Pendergraft

Andrew Pendergraft


an organization hiding in plain sight, yet one of the most influential and powerful in American politics… They were smart and understood something very important: that they might more easily get what they wanted from state capitals than from Washington, DC. So they started putting their money in places like Raleigh, North Carolina; Nashville, Tennessee; Phoenix, Arizona; and Madison, Wisconsin.”[43]

American Legislative Exchange Council – Wikipedia, the free

Assertions about ALEC’s origin and funding[edit]

In 2012, Walter Mondale, former Democratic Vice President of the United States, and Arne Carlson, former Republican governor of Minnesota, referred in an op-ed piece to the political activities of the Koch family and ALEC, saying:

“[ALEC] is the creation of the Koch brothers who amassed their fortunes in oil and who live in Florida. The goal of ALEC is to influence legislators across the nation.”[70]

According to Bloomberg NewsKoch Industries Inc. was one of 14 “Vice Chairman” level sponsors “at the 2010 annual meeting, which requires a $25,000 donation to the group”, according to the tax and ALEC documents. The Charles G. Koch Charitable Foundation, “founded by the energy conglomerate’s chief executive officer, gave $75,858 to ALEC in 2009, the latest year for which the foundation’s tax information is available.” Exxon Mobil‘s foundation “donated $30,000 in 2005 and again in 2006”, according to the foundation’s tax forms. Alan Jeffers, an Exxon Mobil spokesman, said the company paid $39,000 in dues in 2010 and sponsored a reception at the annual meeting in San Diego for $25,000. In August 2011, “Exxon will spend $45,000 to sponsor a workshop on natural gas”.[71] According to theCenter For Public Integrity, ALEC received $150,000 to help finance its activities, “through the four foundations that they run”. The Koch brothers received the Adam Smith Free Enterprise Award from ALEC in 1994.[72]

Corporations have the right to present their arguments, but they don’t have the right to do it secretly. They don’t have the right to lobby people and not register as lobbyists. They don’t have the right to take people away on trips, convince them of it, send them back here, and then nobody has seen what’s gone on and how that legislator had gotten that idea and where is it coming from. All I’m asking… is to make sure that all of those expenses are reported as if they are lobbying expenses and all those gifts that legislators received are reported as if they’re receiving gifts from lobbyists. So the public can find out and make up their own minds about who is influencing what.”[43]  How Billionaire Brands Control Your Life