Watermelon seeds help in improving male fertility.

2015-04-03-watermelon-seeds-tea-2-fb-2Watermelon: Symbolizing the Supposed Simplicity of Slaves

Watermelon seeds,

are good sources of magnesium vital for normal heart functioning, maintenance of normal blood pressure, supporting metabolic process and protein synthesis. It is also beneficial in the treatment of cardiovascular diseases and hypertension besides controlling blood pressure and diabetes.Roasted watermelon seeds are served as a snack or used to garnish salads. In Nigeria they are used in certain soups. Watermelon seed oil is extracted from these seeds which is beneficial for your hair and skin. To say the least, watermelon seeds are edible and can be a healthy option.

watermelon seeds

are a rich source of nutrients and minerals and therefore, should not be discarded. These seeds have a hard outer covering so they should be chewed before swallowing to get their nutritional content. Some of the health benefits of watermelon seeds are given below. http

Watermelon seed tea is considered to be a natural diuretic helpful for kidney cleansing.


Food historians believe that African slaves helped introduce the watermelon, now the most consumed melon in the US. The fruit eventually became a major symbol in the iconography of racism in the United States through the “watermelon stereotype”. In various images, the fruit was used to paint African Americans as a simple-minded people who were happy when provided watermelon and a little rest.

Watermelon seeds can be baked with salt for a protein-rich and tasty snack, which has a similar flavor and consistency to pumpkin seeds, or prepared in a tea to maximize its diuretic effects.

How To Make Watermelon Seed Tea


  • 30-40 watermelon seeds, fresh or dried
  • water


  1. Crush 4 tablespoons of fresh watermelon seeds using a mortar and pestle, or grind them up in a food processor.
  2. Cook for 10 minutes in two litres of water over high heat.
  3. Drink the entire two litres of tea over a period of two days for full effect.

This tea is especially good for those with digestive issues, or those who are prone to urinary tract infections. So instead of opting for seedless watermelons – which are less flavourful than watermelons with seeds and are part of a relatively new strain of watermelon mass-produced for consumers – or spitting out the seeds and throwing them away, the next time you eat watermelon, consider saving the seeds to roast or brew in a tea. Your body will ultimately thank you for providing it with such a nutritious snack or beverage.Watermelon-eathealthylivefit_com

Watermelon, raw
Nutritional value per 100 g (3.5 oz)
Energy 127 kJ (30 kcal)

7.55 g

Sugars 6.2 g
Dietary fiber 0.4 g


0.15 g

0.61 g

Vitamin A equiv.


28 μg


303 μg

Thiamine (B1)


0.033 mg

Riboflavin (B2)


0.021 mg

Niacin (B3)


0.178 mg


0.221 mg

Vitamin B6


0.045 mg



4.1 mg

Vitamin C


8.1 mg

Trace metals


7 mg



0.24 mg



10 mg



0.038 mg



11 mg



112 mg



1 mg



0.1 mg

Other constituents
Water 91.45 g
Lycopene 4532 µg Watermelon seeds contain lycopene which is good for your face and also helps in improving male fertility.


People Killing for Water Global Water Wars Planning

People Killing for Water Global Water Wars.

Prescribed Burning for Healthy Ecosystems Any system involving MSP or prescribed fire will promote fireweed fireweed Erechtites hieraciifolia 

adjective: herbaceous
  1. of, denoting, or relating to herbs (in the botanical sense).
mid 17th century: from Latin herbaceus ‘grassy’ (from herba ‘grass, herb’) + -ous.
There are a number of groundcovers, herbaceous plants, shrubs and trees that are fireresistant.

Sita Ashoka Polyalthia longifolia – Ashok

is an excellent herb for gynecological problems. It is useful in stimulating the uterus, the endometrium and the ovarian tissues, uterine bleeding associated with fibroids, leucorrhoea, menstrual disturbances without producing any side effects.


Echinacea is also used against many other infections including the flu, urinary tract infections, vaginal yeast infections, genital herpes, bloodstream infections (septicemia), gum disease, tonsillitis, streptococcus infections, syphilis, typhoid, malaria, and diphtheria.

Other uses not related to infection include chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS), rheumatism, migraines, acid indigestion, pain, dizziness, rattlesnake bites, and attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).

Sometimes people apply echinacea to their skin to treat boils, abscesses, skin wounds, ulcers, burns, eczema, psoriasis, UV radiation skin damage, herpes simplex, bee stings, and hemorrhoids.fireweed Erechtites hieraciifolia 

[Reportage] Rare plants bloom in the sun that shines …

 The fireweed seeds in the small plastic bottle were so light it seemed that a deep breath might blow them away. Two to … They represented six rare species from the National Wild Plant Seeds Bank at the National Institute of Biological Resources, including golden carpet, bluebeard, and fireweed. “I wasn’t …

Honey – a natural product, which is created by nature itself. Daily use of this valuable product helps to strengthen the immune system, improve the condition of the body.
However, there are many kinds of honey, each of which has its own healing properties. You can always choose your version of honey, which will be suitable for you. True, especially you can pay attention to fireweed honey among the delicious honeys.

How to get fireweed honey?

Fireweed has long been used in folk medicine to combat a variety of diseases. So, it helps with problems with the upper respiratory tract and has antibacterial and antiviral properties. Of course, the bees do not know it, but they still can not get around this valuable plant.
It is a great honey plant. It attracts bees from a distance, beckoning them by its excellent flavor. Bees collect nectar, from which they make excellent, fragrant fireweed honey. Of course, some people do not like fireweed honey because of its specific appearance.

Fireweed honey or fake?

Often medical experts do not consider fireweed honey as a real one. They are trying to convince others that they face a fake, a cheap substitute, which is better not to take. At such times, naively trusting people choose a different type of honey, but the real experts buy fireweed honey.
Fireweed honey is a slightly yellowish or greenish mass that resembles cream by density. It is quickly crystallized, so it can have clots like grains or flakes. During the crystallization the honey gets a lighter shade, that confuse people. They often think that they see artificial honey and start to take offense.
It turns out that people in their quest to buy a quality, real honey often choose a beautiful but useless fake. It has some dyes and other “wonderful” supplements, which provide a nice, uniform mass. True, there is no benefits of such honey, and you can be poisoned, because you can never know what is added to the false honey for the perfect color.
Also, you may have a severe allergic reaction to these products, but fireweed honey rarely causes irritation. Most often, it helps a person to adapt to different foods, increases the body’s resistance to external factors. Of course, such a miracle can make only real fireweed honey that you learn to accurately distinguish from the best fakes.

South African Fynbos shrublands

Fynbos shrublands occur in a small belt across South Africa. The plant species in this ecosystem are highly diverse, yet the majority of these species are obligate seeders, that is, a fire will cause germination of the seeds and the plants will begin a new life-cycle because of it. These plants may have coevolved into obligate seeders as a response to fire and nutrient-poor soils.[18] Because fire is common in this ecosystem and the soil has limited nutrients, it is most efficient for plants to produce many seeds and then die in the next fire. Investing a lot of energy in roots to survive the next fire when those roots will be able to extract little extra benefit from the nutrient-poor soil would be less efficient. It is possible that the rapid generation time that these obligate seeders display has led to more rapid evolution and speciation in this ecosystem, resulting in its highly diverse plant community.[18]

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Prescribed fire is the Preserve’s most powerful resource management tool. You will find references to presrcibed burning throughout the Unit Management Plan.  information on prescribed fire and links to additional resource management sites. Prescribed Burning.

Fireweed is an exceptionally colorful plant, its native from the sub-Arctic down the Rocky Mountains across the upper Midwest and down the Appalachians to Georgia. Many people are inspired to try and grow fireweed after they see it in Alaska. It is sometimes called giant showy willow herb.

X I got my seeds while in Alaska from Seeds of Alaska. The packet for 1995 read:

Fireweed is the most colorful wildflower to be seen in Alaska. It takes over recent clearings, burned areas and along roadsides. It is a tall plant, up to 8 feet, with long terminal spike-like clusters of red blossoms. The tender new shoots from older roots are edible. They are eaten raw, cooked, or in the Eskimo matter, soaked in seal oil. The Eskimo name Pahmeyuktuk, describes the edible shoot. Plant with a thin soil cover and keep moist until the tender young plants are well started. Fireweed seed does not germinate well at high temperatures. Fireweed is a perennial and begins blooming the second season.

Fireweed Seeds Packet

Price: $3.95 Questions Call 877-270-5187

Quick Overview

Looking for a bold, quick-spreading wildflower? Fireweed does not disappoint! Magenta-pink blooms add bright color to the sunny garden in the summer months. Be sure to plant this beauty in an area you would like it to spread to! Annual.

Nutritional information and Properties


Poppy Seed Nutrition Facts:

One tablespoon of poppy seeds (approximately 9 grams) has only 45kcal. Poppy seeds are rich in calcium, potassium, phosphorus, and magnesium. They are also a source of protein, carbohydrates, and sodium. Poppy seeds also contain high levels of vitamin B, folic acid, thiamin, and riboflavin.

Health Benefits and Therapeutic Uses

The health benefits of poppy seeds include:

  • To treat vomiting and nausea
  • Adding poppy seeds to your daily diet can cure respiratory problems such as chronic cough and asthma
  • Poppy seed paste can stop diarrhea
  • Poppy seed paste when applied to swollen joints can provide pain relief
  • Apply a mix of poppy seed paste under the eyes to reduce dark circles and swollen eyelids
  • The oleic acid in poppy seeds lower bad cholesterol levels (LDL) and increase good or HDL levels
  • Eating poppy seeds can prevent heart disease and strokes due to the high content of monounsaturated fats
  • The zinc in poppy seeds aids sperm production

Other Uses

  • Apart from the medicinal use and health benefits of poppy seeds, they are also widely used for various culinary purposes. They can be sprinkled on baked goods such as bread and cakes, used as a sandwich spread along with butter and honey, used to add extra crunch to pasta and salads, as a flavoring for sauces and vegetable dishes, and in candies as well. Eastern countries use poppy seeds as a base for curries and chutneys.
  • Poppy seed extract is used as an ingredient in poppy syrup and cordials.
  • Poppy seeds make great bird food.
  • Due to its anodyne and expectorant properties, poppy seeds are used in cough syrups and poultices.
  • Oil made from poppy seed extract is used to make a number of drugs and medications.
  • Poppy seed infusions are used to treat earaches and toothaches

Precautions/Side Effects/ Warnings

Among all seeds and nuts, poppy seeds are the least allergic. They are totally safe for consumption even by children and pregnant women. The narcotic compounds in poppy seeds are not enough to cause any side effects but if you consume food products made with poppy seeds, be warned that there is a possibility that you may receive a false positive result on tests for banned opiates (as those done on sports people).

Whole or ground organic poppy seeds are available at most supermarkets and health food stores. Since they are high in polyunsaturated fats, they tend to go rancid quickly. Buy only good quality seeds and stored in a cool dry place before using. If stored carefully, fresh poppy seeds can be consumed within six months.

Walnut Park

FireWeed Recipes

Fireweed Jelly Recipe – Food.com

fireWeed recipes from www.food.com
Rating: 5 – ‎5 reviews – ‎1 hr 20 min – ‎312.8 cal

I make several batches of this each summer when the fireweed in Alaska is in … Also, I have tried this recipe several times with Certo and it will not set so be sure …

University of Alaska Fairbanks

Fireweed. Fireweed is a tall perennial herb with numerous dense, narrow … Recipes. Fireweed Vinegar. 2 cups fireweed blossoms and buds. 1 cup rice or white …

Live From Alaska: When Alaska Hands You Fireweed

Aug 9, 2007 – I’ve never made fireweed jelly, honey or ice cream, but I’ve tasted all three. Most of the fireweed jelly recipes I found were exactly the same.

See more about Rosehip Recipes, Zucchini Jam and Jelly Recipes. … Here is the recipe I used to make yummy fireweed jelly with fireweed blossoms picked …

Homemade Fireweed Jelly from Cosmopolitan Cornbread

fireWeed recipes from cosmopolitancornbread.com

Jul 14, 2013 – How to make homemade fireweed jelly from the blossoms of the Fireweed plant – from … Blueberry Lemon Basil Jam from Daily Dish Recipes

The Last Frontier: Fiddlehead and Fireweed Recipes frontierfreedom.blogspot.com/…/fiddlehead-and-fireweedrecipes.html Dec 18, 2010 – Fiddleheads are really just baby ferns. Keep reading for some of my favorite Fiddlehead and Fireweed recipes. Most of the fiddleheads growing …How to Harvest and Use Fireweed Shoots | Laurie …http://www.laurieconstantino.com/how-to-use-and-harvest-fireweed-shoots/May 22, 2008 – Fireweed shoots can be used instead of asparagus in most recipes, on their own or mixed with other vegetables in salads, soups, and dishes … Fireweed | Wildfoodsandmedicines wildfoodsandmedicines.com/fireweed/ Jul 27, 2012 – Remember how fireweed comes into a clear cut or burn and creates an …  Foraging – Fireweed – Urban Huntress http://www.urbanhuntress.com/2012/08/foraging-fireweedAug 23, 2012 – This is the “fireweed” you’ll see on honey labels, and bees adore it … I found this recipe for fireweed jelly on a message board and gave it a try …Fireweed Jelly – Recipe – Cooks.com

http://www.cooks.com › Recipes › Jams

FIREWEED JELLY. 4 c. fireweed buds (packed) 4 c. water 4 c. sugar 2 pkgs. Sure Jell 2 1/2 capfuls lemon juice. Boil flowers in water until blossoms lose color.

Alaska Per capita No 1 recipient of federal benefits; infrastructure projects, DOT and pork projects.


Alaska Per capita No 1 recipient of federal benefits;
infrastructure projects, DOT and pork projects.   And Yes, Blue States Pay More Taxes Than are returned ;

All seized drug money goes to child support and college fund for children…

Blue State, Red Face: Guess Who Benefits More From Your Taxes? Alaska, as a new state with vast needs, required ports and airports and highways and so on. But then you must account for the fact that Alaska’s share of federal spending has spiked sharply in the last 15 years, even as North Slope oil revenue has filled its coffers (oil revenue accounts for 88 percent of the state’s general fund). state’s economy and dependence on the federal government.)      

Now consider the bottom 10, i.e., the ones that give more to the federal government in taxes than they get in return. From 1 to 10, they are:

 New Jersey, Nevada, Connecticut, New Hampshire, Minnesota, Illinois, Delaware, California, New York, Colorado. 

they are all blue states (or the deepest of purple).

non-TAX payers-by-state.jpg.CROP.original-original

Adding to this fallacy are the assumptions surrounding Mitt Romney’s now infamous comments about the indolent “47 percent” of Americans who regard themselves as victims and therefore pay no taxes. As the American Conservative magazine (no less) pointed out recently, nine of those 10 states are in the red-as-ruby Old Confederacy.*

Anything strange about that list? Yes, they are all blue states (or the deepest of purple).


The Minimum Wage and the Laws of Economics 72 
The income decay among the lowest-paid workers does not reflect a decline in the value they add, and a moderate increase in the minimum wage would improve their lot without violating economic taboos, an economist writes.

The Minimum-Wage Cure for Illegal Immigration 47 
With very different priorities, conservatives and progressives alike are supporting a higher minimum wage, an economist writes.

1.    New Mexico
Indian reservations, military bases, federal
research labs, farm subsidies, retirement programs

2.   Mississippi
Farm subsidies, military spending, nutrition
and anti-poverty aid,      retirement programs.

3.        Alaska
Per capita No 1 recipient of federal benefits;
infrastructure projects, DOT and pork projects.

4.        Louisiana
Disaster relief, farm subsidies, anti-poverty
and nutrition aid, military spending.

5.        W. Virginia
Farm subsidies, anti-poverty and nutrition aid.

6.        N. Dakota
Farm subsidies, energy subsidies, retirement
and anti-poverty programs, Indian reservations.

7.        Alabama
Retirement programs, anti-poverty and nutrition aid,
federal space/military spending, farm subsidies.

8.        S. Dakota
Retirement programs, nutrition aid, farm subsidies,
military spending, Indian reservations.

9.        Virginia
Civil service pensions, military spending, veterans
benefits, retirement, anti-poverty aid.

10.     Kentucky
Retirement programs, nutritional
and anti-poverty aid,
farm subsidies.


tax-payments-per-state United States

Plus CORPORATE Prison industry welfare prison slave labor can cut costs and generate revenue has never been a secret. Private businesses nationwide are vying to exploit prisoner workers to reduce operating expenses and gain a competitive advantage, while government agencies are increasingly using prisoners for jobs that otherwise would go to public employees or contractors. Even farmers have turned to prison labor to harvest their crops.

All seized drug money goes to child support and college fund for children

ATLANTA – Alda Gentile was not arrested. She was not charged with a crime. Yet police in Georgia seized $11,530 in cash that Gentile said she had in a car for a house-hunting trip in Florida. Police confiscated the money after stopping the car, driven by her son, for speeding. They searched for drugs but found nothing.  Her case has become a rallying cry for libertarian, conservative and other groups seeking to change laws in Georgia that allow law enforcement to seize property and cash from people who have not been convicted of crimes, a process known as civil forfeiture.

At Oakhill Correctional Institution in rural Dane County, 17 inmates crank $1.15 million worth of office chairs a year out of a cramped basement factory, making anywhere between 20 cents and $1.50 per hour. The money is put toward release savings, victim restitution and court obligations such as child support. The inmates can spend what's left

At Oakhill Correctional Institution in rural Dane County, 17 inmates crank $1.15 million worth of office chairs a year out of a cramped basement factory, making anywhere between 20 cents and $1.50 per hour. The money is put toward release savings, victim restitution and court obligations such as child support. The inmates can spend what’s left.

Parent taken no child support from who is parent working and in prison



Parents taken away from Family to work without child support

Prisoners in Nevada make stretch limos and $500,000 Shelby Cobra sports cars.
They make computer cable in Washington state, shampoo bottles in Kansas, caps and gowns in South Carolina, and telemarketing calls in Nebraska.
In California, they take TWA reservations.

Prisoner parents are more likely to make payments toward their child support at a job that pays minimum wage, which is currently $7.25 per hour. All of the prisons that are now being privatized would also lose profit.